Since the beginning of the administration of Governor William Villamizar Laguado, one of its commitments to the North Santander, was and has been the improvement of the roads that are part of the secondary network with the launch of the banks of machines in the sub regions that make up the geography of the Department.
To fully meet this objective, Villamizar Laguado appointed Secretary of infrastructure Wilmer Ramiro Carrillo Mendoza, who immediately proceeded to the execution of a diagnosis that sought to reorganize the machinery that was in some of the municipalities without working.
Subsequently, began to assess the 1.436 kilometres of secondary road network, which owns North of Santander, and can verify kilometer by kilometer the poor state in which were secondary routes of the Department where it would operate six banks of machinery composed in the following manner: A charger retro, a bulldozer moto, a dump truck, a tank truck a vibro compactor and a vehicle to transport the team in charge of work on the tracks.
Delivery of banks of machinery:
FIRST BANK OF MACHINERY: Was on May 4, 2008, when the departmental representative, William Villamizar Laguado, along the Secretary of infrastructure, Wilmer Ramiro Carrillo Mendoza and the mayors of Herran, Otoniel Bautista Perez; Chinácota, Andrés Delgado Gil; Toledo, Pedro Alonso Mendoza; Ragonvalia, Sandra Isbelia Contreras and Villa del Rosario, Empress Misse Millán, gave the service the first Bank of machinery which sought to recover the tract in the Southeast region; the six who initially pledged to deliver the regional government in Norte de Santander.
SECOND BANK OF MACHINERY: On 10 may, Villamizar Laguado, and his Cabinet moved to the town of Bucarasica, where took official delivery of the second Bank of machinery for the recovery and maintenance of the North subregion, with the implementation of this machinery will be handled San juana - Bucarasica, pathways and the almost 20 kilometers between Sardinata - Las Mercedes and Lourdes demonstrating commitment to the regional President in the same way to the inhabitant of the different municipalities which form the Department of Norte de Santander.
THIRD BANK OF MACHINERY: In keeping with the guidelines of the Governor of the North Santander, Secretary of departmental infrastructure may 11 put to service the third Bank of machines that corresponds to the South-western subregion, which will allow recovery, care and maintenance of routes of Chitagá - Babega - Silos - the lagoon, and that allow residents to reduce the travel time between the municipalities thus contributing to the improvement of the productivity and competitiveness of the area and its commercial strengthening.
FOURTH BANK OF MACHINERY: In the framework of the celebration of the 196 years of founded the land of pineapple, on 16 may, the head of the regional administration, William Villamizar Laguado accompanied by his Secretaries of office, delivered the fourth Bank of machinery with which it will serve secondary and tertiary road mesh of the western subregion which leads to Las Mercedes , Teorama-San Calixto, San Pablo, the sawmill and Llano Grande. Currently three months from the start-up of this team developed works have been satisfactory for the Administration, both communities since the change in the development of the involved municipalities has been.
FIFTH BANK OF MACHINERY: The sub region Center was the fifth area of the Department to receive the Bank of machinery part of Villamizar Laguado and his retinue accompanying periodically to tour the North Santander municipalities with their program getting North. This machinery seeks to adapt the carreteables Salazar, Arboledas, Cucutilla-Altamira, for the development and progress of the peasantry. In this Act again the regional President reiterated its commitment to working hand with each of the 40 municipalities that make up the map of Norte de Santander.
SIXTH and LAST BANK OF MACHINERY OF THE FIRST PHASE: In the development of the departmental tourist caravan, the municipality of Villacaro was in charge of receiving the sixth and last Bank of machinery that is part of the first phase of the Development Plan 2008-2011, on the secondary road network of Gramalote-Carmen of Nazareth - high Chiquito - Cachira; the delivery of this Bank of machinery seeks to bring together Cachira and Villacaro with the capital of Norte de Santander. decreasing transportation costs, thus increasing the profits of farmers in selling their products.
SEVENTH BANK OF MACHINERY: Following the recovery of the secondary road network of the Department plan, sectional Governor at the hands of the head of portfolio, responsible for the suitability of the roads gave official the seventh Bank of machinery for the maintenance of the road Durania-Villa Sucre (corregimiento) - groves, with the start-up of this machinery will attend the 40 kilometres in total corresponding to these routes.
EIGHTH BANK OF MACHINERY: giving home to the program "Cucuta for all", the Governor William Villamizar Laguado, in company of the Secretary of infrastructure, Wilmer Ramiro Carrillo Mendoza, gave to the service of the community the eighth Bank of machinery, looking for improve the different way that correspond to the Area Metropolitan; implemented plans, projects and programs including NGO.