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Government  >  Departmental Administration  >  Secretaries  >  Secretariat of Infrastructure

Secretariat of Infrastructure

The Secretary's profile


Rafael Segundo Ramírez Marín




  • Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander.

    Engineering Civil.

    Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander.

    Specialization in mathematics and physics.

    Specialist in engineering and environmental management and governance.

Secretario Atencion Integral a victimas






  • Secretary of education of Cúcuta.

    Deputy Director of Control and environmental quality of Corponor.

    Undersecretary of management consultation citizen of Cucuta.

    Assistant environmental Manager and Social of Aguas del Oriente S.A. E.S.P.

    Secretary of POtable water and basic Imgeneering of the Department.

Information from the Secretariat

Corresponds to the Secretariat of infrastructure the study, design, execution and auditing of them programs of infrastructure road, of transportation, communications, electrification, housing, water drinking, sanitation basic and lighting public, that forward the Government departmental directly or by co-financing with entities of the order national, departmental, municipal or international, in support to the development productive and to the improvement of the quality of life of them North Santander.
  1. Develop plans for development of the infrastructure sector in accordance with national policies and departmental Development Plan.
  2. Identify, manage and promote the implementation of projects of construction and improvement of the national road network in the Department.
  3. Identify and manage the funding and implementation of projects of construction, paving, improvement, maintenance and rehabilitation of the departmental road network.
  4. Ensure the signaling of the road mesh of the Department in order to make them more safe pedestrian and vehicular flow.
  5. Promote and co-finance the improvement of developing the tertiary network to productive sectors.
  6. Promote co-financing with the municipalities and the improvement of urban roads.
  7. Manage before the competent bodies the improvement and maintenance of the physical plant, tracks and radio Department airports supports.
  8. Manage and promote the financing and implementation of infrastructure of transportation, at the subregional level, promoting the participation of the private sector in their administration and financing.
  9. Develop actions of promotion and prevention road.
  10. Promote the identification, study and implementation of multimodal transportation alternatives.
  11. Identify, promote and manage funding projects of rural electrification and street lighting, in the municipalities of the Department.
  12. Determine the sectoral plan of drinking water and basic sanitation in coordination of the nation, municipalities and administrative and territorial entities of the Department.
  13. Provide and promote education, training and technical assistance to municipalities, administrative and territorial entities, communities and local administrators entities of the Department, on topics relating to the management of drinking water and basic sanitation.
  14. Promote technology transfer regarding the management of drinking water and basic sanitation, the municipalities and administrative and territorial entities of the Department.
  15. Co-financing projects of drinking water and basic sanitation, requiring the municipalities or communities, in accordance with the departmental water Plan that is established for the purpose.
  16. Channel financial resources from different sources for projects at the local level, in accordance with financial policies and rates for the sector of drinking water and basic sanitation.
  17. Promote agreements with public bodies national, departmental and private projects in the sector of drinking water and basic sanitation.
  18. Promote and manage the execution of projects of rural telephony and municipalities access to new information and communication technologies.
  19. The other arising out of the nature of the area or are assigned by the competent authority.
  20. Perform the auditing of infrastructure running in the Department by hiring according to law 80 of 1993, and rules that the additions, modify or supplement.
  21. Conduct monitoring studies and designs that are contracted for the construction of infrastructure works in the Department.
  22. Promote contracts or agreements with the municipalities or other public or private entities, for the realization or joint co-financing of infrastructure works, as are responsible for managing the resources put in charge.
  23. Advising municipalities in the execution and issuance of technical engineering concepts, for different infrastructure works that advance.
  24. Develop technical specifications should be included in the tender documents for the different works of infrastructure to run the Department.
  25. To ensure the correct application of the standards and specifications adopted for the construction of roads and other physical infrastructure works assigned to the Secretariat.
  26. Others who attributed the constitutional, legal and ordenanzales regulations arising from the nature of the dependency.

Functions in the Area of engineering and projects are:

To establish strategies, policies and goals for the identification and management of projects of infrastructure that promotes the Secretariat.

Establish the needs of studies and designs, costs and budgets that require infrastructure projects identified.

Develop infrastructure projects identified to be executed and submitted to the Bank of investment projects for their viability and registration.

Head, carry out or coordinate studies and designs that require infrastructure works to be carried out.

Develop the specific technical studies aimed at minimizing the costs of the processes of the construction of infrastructure that promotes the Secretariat.

Guide studies, designs and technical specifications to be included in the sheets of conditions or terms of reference for the different infrastructure projects of running the Secretariat.

Assist municipalities with models of designs, costs and budgets for infrastructure works that require.

Coordinate investigations to the environmental impact, produced by the execution of infrastructure projects and conduct the investigations in terms of routes and Geotechnics.

Developing studies of convenience and opportunity for the infrastructure projects that the Secretariat should hire.

Coordinate with the procurement group, the preparation of the minutes and the contracts necessary for the execution of projects of infrastructure, requiring to hire the Secretariat.

Keep the cartographic information on the road structure of the Department.

Establish and maintain up-to-date statistical information system on the road theme of transport, communications and rural electrification and street lighting.

Develop and set basic criteria for design, standards and specifications for roads and other engineering works.

Establish and maintain up-to-date manual of technical standards, plans and other studies requiring the Secretariat to its normal operation.

Identify the needs of drinking water and basic sanitation in the jurisdiction of the Department and establish plans and programmes required for their development.

Advise and train for compliance with the standards and the application of technologies for the provision of public services of drinking water and basic sanitation in municipalities and administrative and territorial entities of the Department.

Inspect, monitor and ensure compliance with policies, standards, plans and sectoral programmes of safe drinking water and basic sanitation.

Identify requirements and develop and implement plans of education and training in the various fields of management of drinking water and basic sanitation for persons and providers of public service in the jurisdiction of the Department.

Provide institutional technical assistance to municipalities and administrative and territorial entities of the Department, for the preparation, formulation, recruitment and implementation of projects and works.

Advise the forms of management and operation of public services of drinking water and basic sanitation.

Advise the creation or reorganization of individuals and lenders of the public service of drinking water and basic sanitation, appropriate to the size of the municipalities and the needs of the community within the jurisdiction of the Department.

Maintain up-to-date departmental information of drinking water and basic sanitation system.

Manage the municipalities access to housing of social interest and accordingly, rural housing programs. the projects identified in the plans, basic plans and municipal land use schemes.

Any other necessary for the development of infrastructure projects.


Address: Av. 5 among streets 13 and 14, corner. First floor.


Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 m. and 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

The functions of the procurement Area are:

Drawing up the tender conditions, terms of reference and addenda for infrastructure works which need to engage themselves in the Secretariat.

Coordinate the hiring process directly or 3mths, depending on the type of procurement required.

Produce the respective resolutions for opening and closing of tenders, as well as opening and closing cash them.

Carry out the publication of the terms of reference for the direct recruitment of infrastructure works to be performed by the Secretariat.

The adjustments concerning the terms of reference, based on the observations issued by the contractor, if it necessary, in coordination with the Area of engineering and projects.

Develop and write the resolutions pertaining to the award, acceptance of policies, Declaration of expiration, termination, modification and unilateral interpretation, imposition of fines, enforce the pecuniary criminal clause, approval of guarantees and the same low.

Track financial of each contract that make the Secretariat, related infrastructure works.

Coordinate with the Secretariat of finance programming disbursements and payments from contracts which holds the Department with the budget of investment for construction of infrastructure and national resources or the agreements with municipalities.

Establish the system of monitoring, evaluation and follow-up to each of the conventions that make the Department with public or private entities for the implementation of infrastructure projects.

Any other required for a good system of implementation, monitoring and control over projects.


Address: Av. 5 among streets 13 and 14, corner. First floor.


Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 m. and 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

Functions in the Area of monitoring and auditing are:

Monitor, control and ensure the proper execution of infrastructure works contracted through gives the Ministry of infrastructure.

Perform the auditing contracts for infrastructure works underway.

Supervise contracts for studies and designs that are implemented through the Ministry of infrastructure.

Coordinate of the road emergencies in coordination with the National Institute of roads.

Develop according to standards and within the terms of the minutes of home, partial deliveries and delivery of works.

Prepare and submit reports on the physical and financial progress of the advanced works and submit relevant called when execution schedules are not be fulfilled, in order to make the necessary corrections in time.

Provide technical support to municipalities in the supervision and monitoring of the works contracted by them, when they are required.

Oversee the development, compliance and total implementation of the programmes drawn up by the Secretariat.

Prepare action plans annual which must annually submit the Secretariat monitoring and evaluation reports.

Others required for the proper development of monitoring and auditing for the execution of infrastructure works.


Address: Av. 5 among streets 13 and 14, corner. First floor.


Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 m. and 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

Current situation:

The departmental road network and its connection to the outside of it, far from its articulator purpose. Internally, 1,459 km of secondary network, only 358,5 km are paved (24.57%) of whom 187.9 km are in poor condition, the low maintenance that occurs (1.077,6 Km without maintaining). The tertiary road network, are in worse condition than with a length of 1.581.16 Km had a maintenance in the run-up of just 155.32 km. conditions that impair the output field for internal marketing products and towards the major consumption centers. The location of the primary network that connects us to the outside of the Department is not satisfactory, a total length of 884.14 Km, are paved to 643.62 (72.8%) and they are in good state 415.46 (64.55%), hampering the marketing towards the Center and ports of the country. In addition, border situation, requires an interconnection with Venezuela, which is done through 3 bridges of minimum specifications.

General objective:

Articulate completaly different municipalities between if and make more efficient road communication of the departmental territory with different national and bi-national production and consumption centres, as well as enable the export to national and Venezuelan ports.


2.1.1 joint territorial intra


Improve traffic on roads that communicate the municipal capitals and with the capital of the Department, and contribute to the improvement of the carreteables which of the paths lead to the secondary network, providing products and people.

Projects and actions impulse and creation of banks of machinery at the subregional level, for the rehabilitation and improvement of secondary and tertiary roads. Management for the rehabilitation of the regional road rings. paving of city streets


2.1.2. extra territorial articulation


Integrate the Department with the interior of the country and the Eastern Plains. Allow the output port on the Magdalena river, Atlantic and Pacific Coast Colombian and Venezuelan ports in the South and North of Lake Maracaibo. Improve the road connection with the bi-national San Antonio-urena axis and the Metropolitan Area of San Cristobal, so as to facilitate the transport and marketing of goods and people both inside and out of its territory.

Projects and actions Management before the nation for the rehabilitation and improvement of avenues for regional competitiveness. support the positioning of Cúcuta, as the first land port in South America.

Since the beginning of the administration of Governor William Villamizar Laguado, one of its commitments to the North Santander, was and has been the improvement of the roads that are part of the secondary network with the launch of the banks of machines in the sub regions that make up the geography of the Department.

To fully meet this objective, Villamizar Laguado appointed Secretary of infrastructure Wilmer Ramiro Carrillo Mendoza, who immediately proceeded to the execution of a diagnosis that sought to reorganize the machinery that was in some of the municipalities without working.

Subsequently, began to assess the 1.436 kilometres of secondary road network, which owns North of Santander, and can verify kilometer by kilometer the poor state in which were secondary routes of the Department where it would operate six banks of machinery composed in the following manner: A charger retro, a bulldozer moto, a dump truck, a tank truck a vibro compactor and a vehicle to transport the team in charge of work on the tracks.

Delivery of banks of machinery:


FIRST BANK OF MACHINERY: Was on May 4, 2008, when the departmental representative, William Villamizar Laguado, along the Secretary of infrastructure, Wilmer Ramiro Carrillo Mendoza and the mayors of Herran, Otoniel Bautista Perez; Chinácota, Andrés Delgado Gil; Toledo, Pedro Alonso Mendoza; Ragonvalia, Sandra Isbelia Contreras and Villa del Rosario, Empress Misse Millán, gave the service the first Bank of machinery which sought to recover the tract in the Southeast region; the six who initially pledged to deliver the regional government in Norte de Santander.

SECOND BANK OF MACHINERY: On 10 may, Villamizar Laguado, and his Cabinet moved to the town of Bucarasica, where took official delivery of the second Bank of machinery for the recovery and maintenance of the North subregion, with the implementation of this machinery will be handled San juana - Bucarasica, pathways and the almost 20 kilometers between Sardinata - Las Mercedes and Lourdes demonstrating commitment to the regional President in the same way to the inhabitant of the different municipalities which form the Department of Norte de Santander.

THIRD BANK OF MACHINERY: In keeping with the guidelines of the Governor of the North Santander, Secretary of departmental infrastructure may 11 put to service the third Bank of machines that corresponds to the South-western subregion, which will allow recovery, care and maintenance of routes of Chitagá - Babega - Silos - the lagoon, and that allow residents to reduce the travel time between the municipalities thus contributing to the improvement of the productivity and competitiveness of the area and its commercial strengthening.

FOURTH BANK OF MACHINERY: In the framework of the celebration of the 196 years of founded the land of pineapple, on 16 may, the head of the regional administration, William Villamizar Laguado accompanied by his Secretaries of office, delivered the fourth Bank of machinery with which it will serve secondary and tertiary road mesh of the western subregion which leads to Las Mercedes , Teorama-San Calixto, San Pablo, the sawmill and Llano Grande. Currently three months from the start-up of this team developed works have been satisfactory for the Administration, both communities since the change in the development of the involved municipalities has been.

FIFTH BANK OF MACHINERY: The sub region Center was the fifth area of the Department to receive the Bank of machinery part of Villamizar Laguado and his retinue accompanying periodically to tour the North Santander municipalities with their program getting North. This machinery seeks to adapt the carreteables Salazar, Arboledas, Cucutilla-Altamira, for the development and progress of the peasantry. In this Act again the regional President reiterated its commitment to working hand with each of the 40 municipalities that make up the map of Norte de Santander.

SIXTH and LAST BANK OF MACHINERY OF THE FIRST PHASE: In the development of the departmental tourist caravan, the municipality of Villacaro was in charge of receiving the sixth and last Bank of machinery that is part of the first phase of the Development Plan 2008-2011, on the secondary road network of Gramalote-Carmen of Nazareth - high Chiquito - Cachira; the delivery of this Bank of machinery seeks to bring together Cachira and Villacaro with the capital of Norte de Santander. decreasing transportation costs, thus increasing the profits of farmers in selling their products.


SEVENTH BANK OF MACHINERY: Following the recovery of the secondary road network of the Department plan, sectional Governor at the hands of the head of portfolio, responsible for the suitability of the roads gave official the seventh Bank of machinery for the maintenance of the road Durania-Villa Sucre (corregimiento) - groves, with the start-up of this machinery will attend the 40 kilometres in total corresponding to these routes.

EIGHTH BANK OF MACHINERY: giving home to the program "Cucuta for all", the Governor William Villamizar Laguado, in company of the Secretary of infrastructure, Wilmer Ramiro Carrillo Mendoza, gave to the service of the community the eighth Bank of machinery, looking for improve the different way that correspond to the Area Metropolitan; implemented plans, projects and programs including NGO.

Data of contact

  • AV. 5 among streets 13 and 14, corner.
  • First floor.
  • Monday to Friday: 7:30 a.m.-12:00 m. and 2:00 p.m.-6:00 pm
  • (57 + 7) 5719050 - (57 + 7) 5714515 - (57 + 7) 5713828 - (57 + 7) 5730219.
  • Fax: (57 + 7) 5714515

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