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Government  >  Departmental Administration  >  Secretaries  >  Secretariat of Women

Secretariat of Women

The Secretary's profile

Maria Eugenia Riascos Rodríguez 



  • Free University.


    Free University of Colombia, sectional Cúcuta.

    Specialization in management and public law.

    Escuela Superior de Administración Pública, ESAP

    Specialization in public administration



Secrataria de la mujer







  • Director of departmental printing

    Legal Adviser of the Council of Cúcuta

    Head of the Office of the Sisben

    Director of the Administrative Department of Social Welfare and special programs

    Deputy Director of tourism of Cúcuta

    Mayor of Cúcuta 2008-2011

Information from the Secretariat

  1. Promote and coordinate the operation of public policy for women, ahead of actions that ensure the inclusion of women in the development of the region and the effective exercise of their rights, articulating them with running the different public and private entities, local governments and community in general, in accordance with directions given by the Governor and those contained in the departmental Development Plan acting as a coordinator between the departmental and Local development plans.
  2. Generate and structured programmes of prevention and assistance to women, particularly to decrease abuse that are victims, eradicate prostitution and to ensure gender equity in wage matters and quality of employment.
  3. Promoting and structuring campaigns related to the promotion of the rights of women enshrined in the political Constitution and in the international instruments ratified by Colombia.
  4. To ensure that the actions of health, education and sports which later Department Norte de Santander and the territorial entities, priority is given to women guaranteeing their rights.
  5. Implement an information system allowing at the departmental level group institutions, guilds, and other entities that work for the comprehensive development of women.
  6. Follow the effective implementation in the Department of laws and regulations that protect women and the family.
  7. Promote and implement policies aimed at the development of creativity and qualities of women in the fields of scientific, technological, research, artistic and cultural, which foster their comprehensive development and constitute factors for their direct benefit.
  8. Support different forms of Association and organization of women in the Department, designing personal development-oriented strategies at the same time.
  9. Boost links of communication and participation with the Presidential Advisory Office for the equality of women, in terms of programs and projects that are running.
  10. Give sectoral feasibility projects of housing and social infrastructure and enroll in the banks of departmental and national project that are aimed at mothers head of household.
  11. In coordination with the Ministry of economic development, to promote programmes of solidarity economy.
  12. Manage the transfer of resources from the national Government and other entities for the development of special projects for women in life such as health, education, recreation and sports topics.
  13. The policies Secretariat General, ensure the proper and timely performance of their functions and coordinate the activities of its areas of work.
  14. Study topics assigned by the Governor, addressing audiences which will indicate and represent it in matters which designate him.
  15. Attend the departmental Assembly citations for reporting and resolving issues in their sector.
  16. Attend the meetings of boards, committees or councils management of which is a member. Attendance at these meetings may delegate it to officials of the level immediately below yours, when so determined by the regulations. In other cases, they may designate representatives who are officials of the Secretariat, who will be in attendance for the performance of the functions of legal regulations and bylaws assign to such units and proper coordination of these powers.
  17. Sign on behalf of the Department and in accordance with the parameters of delegation, corresponding contracts issues related to the Secretariat in accordance with the law, the delegation of the Governor and other relevant standards.
  18. Issue administrative acts and resolve resources within their competence, in accordance with current legal standards.
  19. Prepare the drafts of Ordinance relating to their sector, draft decree must be enacted in exercise of the powers of the Governor and leading the execution of the decisions and orders of the same.
  20. Prepare the draft annual budget of the unit and answer for their performance.
  21. Establish, coordinate, control, and evaluate an annual operational plan, which involves the following aspects: administrative, financial, sectoral development and guarantee of quality, management, monitoring, surveillance and control.
  22. Coordinate, monitor and evaluate the performance of the staff in charge, under the terms established by 909 of 2004 law and its regulatory decrees.
  23. Content drives strategic and matrix groups flexible composition, for the development of programmes and projects, enabling you to streamline human resource and the scope of the institutional objectives.
  24. Other functions which attributed the current constitutional, legal and Ordinance provisions, and that assigned by the Governor, according to the level, nature and performance of the cargo area.

Define political, projects and mechanisms of action institutional, community and organizational, that contribute to the realization full of them rights of the women and to the Elimination of all the forms of violence and discrimination against these; and at the same time, introduce alternatives of economic independence through productive projects according to their initiatives.

The Secretariat of the woman for the year 2011 will be recognized in the field departmental as the entity guiding of the political public for them women nortesantandereanas, with permanence through them different administrations, achieving changes cultural, social, economic and political that allow gradually improve its condition, position and quality of life.

Contribute to the equality of rights and opportunities, to the reduction of discriminatory practices that threaten the development economic, social, political and cultural of the women of the North Santander Department, through design, implementation, coordination, advice and execution of policies, plans, projects and programs of the Government Department that promotes the recognition of the subject women and the transformation of gender relations.

  • Formation of the municipal women's Committee in 40 municipalities of the Department of North Santander.
  • Formulation of the Plan of action that will allow differential actions in each municipality.
  • Create spaces for participation and promote the asociactividad in nortesantandereanas women.
  • Support in the creation and consolidation of women's organizations.
  • Implementation of the violence against women and domestic violence prevention campaigns.
  • Implementation of a culture citizen on gender.
  • Implementation of campaigns for the dissemination, protection and prevention of sexual and reproductive rights of women, giving priority to children, youth and adolescents of displaced women and rural and urban area.
  • Support to the creation and shaping of projects production to the associations and organizations of women.
  • Provide training in different arts and crafts in support of the productive projects of the different associations and women's organizations in Norte de Santander.
  • Provide training to women in cooperatives and social economy organizations.
  • Support integral to women microentrepreneurs Department expo business in Bogota.
  • Strengthening of projects productive in the marketing and opening of the market of the level local, departmental and national.
  • Manning, adequacy and implementation of the houses of women in municipalities of the Department of North Santander.
  • Support and accompaniment of women leaders voluntary in the dynamic social in different activities.
  • Formation of a hotbed of ingratiating in equity.
  • Strengthening and support to mothers of children and young people in the different diseases of disabilities.
  • Provide advice on issues legal and legal to them different associations of women of the Department North of Santander.

Data of contact

  • AV. 5 among streets 13 and 14, corner. Second floor.
  • Monday to Friday: 7:30 a.m.-12:00 m. and 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
  • Switch. (57 + 7) 5710290
  • (57 + 7) 5710590 Ext: 1171.

Gallery of images Secretaría de la Mujer

Public announcements
