1. Advise the Governor and the Administration in the formulation, adoption and execution of communication and information processes aimed at consolidating an institutional image consistent with the mission of the establishment.
2. Establish communication and dissemination mechanisms, in which technical, administrative and social achievements are shared, as well as disseminating issues of interest to the Department.
3. Coordinate the guidelines and guidelines of the Governor for an efficient and productive management of the internal system in relation to: spoken and written press, Internet, teleconferences and television required by the Administration.
4. To keep the Governor of Norte de Santander informed in an immediate and timely manner about the news broadcast in the different media, referring to events and events of the Administration and of the department.
5. Issue news bulletins and / or daily press releases of the Governor's Office of Norte de Santander, the activities of the Governor, Secretaries or events of national and municipal departmental interest.
6. Monitor the information circulated each week in national newspapers about the Norte de Santander department.
7. Produce institutional audiovisual information with the purpose of publicizing the management carried out by the Departmental Administration in compliance with the Development Plan.
8. To keep the North American and national community informed about the advances and projects of the Departmental Administration, through a printed medium that allows them to know the activities carried out by its dependencies.
9. Coordinate institutional aspects of journalistic interest that highlight the image and achievements of both Departmental and Municipal.
10. Assist the Department in the design of communication strategies, aimed at improving the working environment and optimizing the quality of the services provided.
11. Coordinate with the media, the dissemination of activities and events associated with the management of government, within the parameters of transfer, objectivity and truthfulness.
12. Coordinate with the media and the Ministry of Government, the dissemination of information related to the preservation and restoration of public order and the maintenance of citizen security, within the parameters of opportunity, transfer, objectivity and truthfulness.
13. Coordinate with the media, the dissemination of activities and events associated with governance.
14. Accompany the governor of Norte de Santander to the different events that he attends, in order to obtain truthful and timely information on the subject matter. Also, accompany, when the occasion warrants, the Secretaries or officials who develop activities of interest to the community.
15. To create communications and publicity strategies that allow informing the North-Easterners about the management advanced by the Departmental Administration.
16. Support in the area of communications, publications and management of the corporate image to all dependencies of the Departmental Administration, so that there is institutional unity.
17. Ensure the good name of the department of Norte de Santander, responding immediately to any inaccurate information to rectify it.
18. Know the opinion of the North-Easterners about the management advanced by the Departmental Administration in compliance with the Development Plan.
19. Conduct surveys and balances to monitor the scope of dissemination functions.
20. The others attributed to it arise from the nature of the area.