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Secretariat of Water drinking and Sanitation basic 

The Secretary's profile


Francisco Alberto Bermont Galvis




  • University.

    Civil Engineering.

    School of business administration in Bogota.

    Specialization in civil works administration.

    School Superior of management public, ESAP.

    Specialization in management public.

    Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, Escuela Superior de Administración Pública, ESAP.

    Specialization in management of the planning of the development urban and Regional

    School Superior of management public, ESAP.

    Specialization in borders and international relations.

    School Superior of management public, ESAP.

    Specialization in finance public.

Secretario Atencion Integral a victimas






  • Chief of the audit of the Comptroller Municipal of Cúcuta.

    Director of the Department of planning of Cúcuta.

    Secretary of the Department of public works.

    Deputy Director of planning and Control of environmental quality of Corponor.

    Member of North of Santander since 1998 to 2014.

    Coordinator works civilians of the Plan of promoting education of the North of Santander.

    Coordinator of works civil of the Plan of universalization of elementary in Bogota, with the Ministry of national education in the agreement with the IDB and IBRD.

Information from the Secretariat

The Secretariat of water drinking and sanitation basic is charge of implement a set of strategies of order fiscal, budget, political, institutional, technical and financial in the short, medium and long term through the realization of activities that harmonize integrally them resources jointly with the construction of schemes regional of provision of them services public home, oriented to the compliance of goals sustainable of growth of the sector , the fundamental purpose of accelerate growth in coverage and improvement in the quality of services.
  1. Identify and define the investments that are required for the fulfilment of the goals of coverage, quality and continuity of the sector of drinking water and basic sanitation.
  2. Manage and capture resources from the municipal, departmental, national and international order for the execution of infrastructure projects in agreement, drinking water, sewage and toilet in the municipalities of the Department.
  3. Manage resources financial investment and physical infrastructure, technical assistance and training, necessary for the development of the sector of drinking water and basic sanitation in the Norte de Santander Department.
  4. Lead and provide advice to the municipalities of the Department who have not adopted a model of efficient management for the implementation of scheme of regionalization resulting from the diagnosis of the sector for which may promote the creation of regional public companies or the contracting of specialized operators.
  5. Provide technical support and track to achieving departmental goals in expansion of urban and rural coverage of aqueduct, sewage and toilet.
  6. Give technical support and follow-up to the fulfillment of the departmental goals in improving the quality of water and the aqueduct service continuity.
  7. Train and advise local authorities and people providers of services in business management.
  8. Monitoring and supporting the implementation of the commitments of programme management strengthening, on business improvement for the provision of services.
  9. Contribute to the permanent improvement in the quality of water sector projects that need to prepare the municipal entities and service providers.
  10. Implement methods and administrative procedures with its corresponding training and control mechanisms that allow harmonizing activities with other units of the departmental administration and Government agencies on the national agenda in the form so that to guarantee the principles of economy, transparency, speed, efficiency, impartiality, publicity and contradiction in attending services and relevant administrative procedures.

Having as main basis that the issue of drinking water for the North Santander Department is a priority within the development plan, it became necessary to resize the structure of the Department of Norte de Santander to give way to the creation of the Secretariat of drinking water and basic sanitation, which is created by Decree 341 of June 24, 2008 having as main aim the planning, comprehensive harmonization of resources and implementation of the regional scheme of the provision of the public utilities, aimed at the achievement of sustainable goals for improvement and growth of the sector of drinking water and basic sanitation in the Norte de Santander Department.

Its activity revolves significantly in the implementation of strategies for drinking water services transformation and basic sanitation, based on the document CONPES 3463 of March 12 2007 laying down the guidelines for departmental plans concerning the corporate services management of drinking water and basic sanitation.

The Secretariat in managing quality develops the departmental plan of drinking water and basic sanitation in coordination with the national Government, through the Ministry of environment, housing and territorial development (Vice-Ministry of water and sanitation) based on the 2007 law 1176, article 6 of the Act 1151 of 2007, which is issued the National Development Plan which envisages the strategy to develop the national Government in drinking water and sanitation to promote and articulate different sources of resources, with better control over the execution of them, using basic strategies projected on short, medium and long term. In the short term efforts are made to meet the needs of the sector identified with the forces of the Department on a priority basis, you manage resources that allow to improve the infrastructure of the sector and the adoption of regional schemes for the provision of the services of aqueduct, sewage and toilet in an efficient way, because of this fact strategic actions for strengthening and institutional development are both flanker center forward in order to ensure the continuity and efficiency in administration and operation of the systems and the recovery of costs in the provision of public services of drinking water and basic sanitation through viable and sustainable over time.

CORPONOR (Corporación Autónoma Regional de la Frontera)

PARK - HEADQUARTERS: Calle 13 Av. Forest no. 3E-278 Caobos neighborhood.

Phone: 5828484. Fax: 5716219-5832089.


Carrera 8 No. 5-81.

Municipality of Pamplona - Norte de Santander

Phone: 5681370-5684682.


The fair - warehouse district

Municipality of Ocaña

Norte de Santander

Phone: 5612182 - 5611150.

Fax: 5613300.


Calle 5 No. 2-27 Barrio Miraflores

Municipality of Tibú

Norte de Santander

Phone: 5663562 - 5662890.

Opening hours to the public: Monday to Friday from 7:15 A.M. - 12:00 M. and 2:15 P.M.-6:00 P.M.


Green - customer service line: 5731976 Ext. 457.

Web site:

Commission for hydrology of the world Organization meteorology (WMO)


Calle 37 No. 8-40

Switch: (57 - 1) 3323434 - 3323400

Web site:

Ministry of finance

Web site:

DANE - National Department of statistics

Web site:


Address: Carrera 5 No. 15-80. Piso 14

PBX: 5878750



Address: Carrera 18 No. 84-35

Telephone: 691 3005 Ext. 2308

Web site:


Address: Carrera 13 No. 28 - 01 Piso 5

Phone: 327-2800 Ext. 1435

Web site:


Address: Calle 26 No. 13-19 8 floor

Phone: 596-0300

Web site:


Address: Calle 39 no. 14-75

Phone: 545-2765

Web site:


Address: Calle 93 No. 13-32 - Office 301

Phone: 616-7611 / 0553 616 / 616 1439

Web site:


Phone: 599 9543 Ext. 131

Bogotá D.C. - Colombia


Address: Avenida El Dorado - CAN Street 43 No. 57 - 41

PBX: 383 0444 Ext. 1126

Bogotá D.C. - Colombia

Web site:


Address: Avenida Jiménez No. 7-65

Phone: 334-1199 Ext. 456

Bogotá D.C. - Colombia

Web site:

IGAC - Instituto Geográfico Agustin Codazzi

Web site:


LAW 142 OF 1994: By which establishes the regime of the public utilities and enacting other provisions.

LAW 99 of 1993: which is created the MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT, is rearranged the Public Sector responsible for the management and conservation of the environment and renewable natural resources, is organized the national environmental system - SINA and enacting other provisions.

LAW 141 of 1994: by which created the national royalties Fund, the national royalties Commission, regulates the right of the State to collect royalties for the exploitation of non-renewable natural resources, establish the rules for its liquidation and distribution and enacting other provisions.

LAW 358 OF 1997: Which regulates article 364 of the Constitution and enacting other provisions relating to indebtedness.

LAW 617 OF 2000: By which reform is partially the 136 law of 1994, the extraordinary 1222 Decree of 1986, is added the organic budget law, Decree 1421 1993, other rules to strengthen decentralization, and enacting standards for national public expenditure rationalization.

LAW 715 OF 2001: By which dictate organic standards in terms of resources and competences in accordance with articles 151, 288, 356 and 357 of the Constitution and enacting other provisions for organizing the provision of services of education and health, among others.

LAW 756 OF 2002: Distribution criteria are established by which modifies Act 141 of 1994, and enacting other provisions.

LAW 819 2003: Why are issued organic standards in terms of budget and fiscal transparency, accountability, and enacting other provisions.


3200 DECREE OF 2008: Why are rules about departmental plans for the business management of water and sanitation services.

DECREE 565 1996: Which regulates law 142 of 1994, in connection with the funds of solidarity and redistribution of income from the departmental, municipal and district levels order for services of aqueduct, sewage and toilet.

DECREE 696 1998: Which regulates the law 358 of 1997.

DECREE 1729 OF 2002: Which regulates the part XIII, title 2, chapter III of Decree 2811 of 1974 on watersheds, partially on paragraph 12 of article 5 of the law 99 of 1993 and enacting other provisions.

DECREE 456 2004: Which is partially regulates article 81 of the law 715 of 2001.

2005 DECREE 1013: By which establishes the methodology for the determination of the balance between subsidies and contributions for the public utilities of aqueduct, sewage and toilet.

DECREE 057 2006: by which establish rules for the application of the factor of solidarity contribution for the public utilities of aqueduct, sewage and toilet.

DECREE 280 2006: Which regulates operation of rediscounting of the financial of development Territorial S. A., Findeter, for programmes and projects of the public hospital network, drinking water and basic sanitation and is given a rate offset beneficiaries.

3137 DECREE OF 2006: "by means of which modifies the structure of the Ministry of the environment housing and Territorial Development and enacting other provisions".


RESOLUTION 1433 OF 2004, issued by the Ministry of environment, housing and Territorial Development: why regulating Article 12 of Decree 3100 of 2003 on sanitation and management of dumping, PSMV, plans and adopt other determinations.

RESOLUTION 287 OF 2004, issued by the Commission of regulation of drinking water and basic sanitation CRA: by which establishes the pricing methodology to adjust the calculation of the costs for the provision of water supply and sewerage services.

RESOLUTION 1550 OF 2005, issued by the Ministry of environment, housing and Territorial Development: by which regulated the Ministry of environment, housing and Territorial Development procedures and adopting guidelines for eligibility and viability of projects to be financed through the mechanism of one-stop and execution, monitoring and auditing of projects funded through this mechanism.

RESOLUTION 2145 2005, issued by the Ministry of environment, housing and Territorial Development: by which partially modifies the resolution 1433 of 2004 on plans for sanitation and management of dumping, PSM.

RESOLUTION 351 OF 2005, issued by the Commission of regulation of drinking water and basic sanitation CRA: which determines rate regulation regimes that should be providing people of the public service of toilet and the methodology that should be used for the calculation of the rates of ordinary waste toilet service and enacting other provisions.

RESOLUTION 352 2005, issued by the Commission of regulation of drinking water and basic sanitation CRA: why are defined the parameters for the estimation of the consumption within the framework of the provision of the public service of toilet and enacting other provisions.

RESOLUTION 2311, 2006, issued by the National Planning Department: by which determines the procedure so that the territorial entities from accessing the reallocation of royalties and compensation (stepping) proceeds from the exploitation of the coal.

RESOLUTION 1244 OF 2006, issued by the Ministry of environment, housing and Territorial Development: by which article 6 of the resolution 1550 of October 20, 2005 by which regulated procedures and adopting guidelines for eligibility and funding projects to fund through the one-stop mechanism is added.


CONPES 3383 of 2005: the Sector of water supply and sewerage Development Plan.

CONPES 3463 of 2006: "Departmental plans of water and sanitation for the business management of aqueduct, sewage and toilet services".


THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE NATION 2005 DIRECTIVE 0015: Exercise of preventive monitoring in relation to efficient provision of the public utilities, and the right to enjoy an environment healthy.

Departmental plans of water and sanitation for the business management of the services of aqueduct, sewage and toilet.


CIRCULAR 09 THE SSPD 2005: single information system - SUI - information by the mayors report.


026 AGREEMENT OF 2004, of the Advisory Council of the national royalties Fund: for which the criteria of eligibility, feasibility, and the basic requirements for the presentation of the investment projects in the field of preservation of the environment, drinking water and environmental sanitation are set to be financed with resources from the national royalties Fund.

AAC: Competent environmental authorities

BPIN: Programmes and projects of investment bank

CAR: Regional autonomous corporations

CONFIS: Fiscal Policy Council

CONPES: National Council for economic and Social policy

CRA: Safe drinking water and basic sanitation Regulatory Commission

DANE: National Administrative Department of statistics

DNP: National Planning Department

E.S.P: Public utilities company

FINDETER: Territorial Development Finance

FSRI: Solidarity and redistribution of income fund

IDEAM: Institute of hydrology, meteorology and environmental studies of Colombia

MINISTRY: Ministry of environment, housing and Territorial Development

MHCP: Ministry of finance and public credit

PGIR: Comprehensive solid waste management Plan

PGN: Budget General de la Nación

PIPELINE: Programming of operations of credit

PSMV: Sanitation and discharge Plan

PME: Business modernization program

POMCA: Management and watershed management Plan

RUPS: Unique providers register

GSP: Participations General System

SPD: Public utilities

SUI: Unique information system

SSPD: Superintendency of public utilities

SINA: National environmental system

The area of structuring business and social functions are:

  1. Advise the operational structure of the sector.
  2. Management and monitoring of the structuring and implementation of plans and projects.
  3. Financial monitoring and control.
  4. Identification and analysis of the business situation of the sector.
  5. Support for the transformation and modernization or creation and strengthening of sector service providers companies
  6. Support to municipalities in the programmes of the business culture.
  7. Identification and analysis of the basic situation of the sector of water and sanitation.
  8. Identify and facilitate the linkage of operators specialising in the municipalities in which the conditions are given.
  9. Promote the implementation of regional schemes for the provision of the public utilities.
  10. Socialize the implementation strategy and the scope of basic water and sanitation Secretariat.
  11. Raise awareness among communities and organizations in the processes of implementation and development of projects.
  12. Prepare and sustain the base line of the sector.
  13. Assisting Secretary in the definition of policies that benefit the sector.
Calle 10 No. 3-42. Office 501. Santander building. Centre.

Monday to Friday: 7:30 a.m.-12:00 m. and 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

The functions of the technical area - are operational

  1. Advise procurement processes corresponding to studies, complementary, final design and execution of the works, which means advice throughout the process of selection and awarding of the contractors.
  2. Coordination, compilation and analysis of existing information with respect to the provision of the services of water supply and sewerage in each of the participating municipalities.
  3. Identification of the works to be built in each of the participating municipalities, serving, among others, the following criteria: technical and operational viability impact on service, financial viability taking into account the availability of resources for that specific municipality, and other criteria as the technical Manager deems relevant for the definition of the works.
  4. Develop the specifications of conditions and/or terms of reference for the implementation of complementary studies, final designs of works, construction of works that should advance in the field of drinking water and basic sanitation
  5. Evaluation and technical viability of studies and designs of works.
  6. Monitor the development of the works and activity carrying out the auditing contracted.

Calle 10 No. 3-42. Office 501. Santander building. Centre.

Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 m. and 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

Functions of the Legal Department and hiring are:

  1. Give legal advice to the transformation and modernization or creation and strengthening of sector service providers companies.
  2. Analyze information institutional, legal, administrative, commercial, financial and operating conditions of the providers of the services of water supply and sewerage (private, mixed and/or municipal) of the participating municipalities.
  3. Legal support to the municipalities for the implementation of business modernization schemes.
  4. Advise and structure contrataci6n processes, drawing up the lists of conditions and/or terms of reference on the legal aspects, that are required to implement as pre investment and investment in the sector of drinking water and basic sanitation.
  5. Carry out legal monitoring and compliance of the contract execution.
  6. Legal support to municipalities in the signing of agreements.

Calle 10 No. 3-42. Office 501. Santander building. Centre.

Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 m. and 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

Data of contact

  • Calle 8A No. 3-50. First floor.
  • Santander building. Palacio Nacional.
  • Monday to Friday
  • 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 m.
  • 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
  • (57 + 7) 5720148
  • (57 + 7) 5833842 Ext: 203.