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Ministry Of Planning and Territorial Development

The Secretary's profile


Julio César Silva Rincón




  • Francisco de Paula Santander University...
    Business Administration.

    Escuela Superior de Administración Pública, ESAP.
    Specialization in finance Pulicas.
Secretario Atencion Integral a victimas






  • Since 1990 he is linked to the governorate of North of Santander, as administrative officer.

    Private Secretary.

    Secretary of economic development.

    Secretary of planning.

    Secretary of housing.

    Secretary of Government.


Information from the Secretariat

The Ministry of Territorial Development and planning is the organism in charge of direct, coordinate and supervise the planning system in the Department, so that the planning is the articulator axis between the nation and the municipalities, with autonomy to manage sectional issues of planning and promotion of the economic and social development of the Department.

Formulate, under the directions of the Governor and those contained in the development plan, the territorial development policies and designing relevant strategies to ensure that they comply.

Coordinate the work of formulating the Plan of departmental development with the secretariats, decentralized entities of the Department and other departmental agencies.

Coordinate the activities of all entities and public bodies of the Department to ensure proper enforcement and execution of policies, programmes and projects contained in the departmental Development Plan.

Advise agencies and departmental entities in the elaboration of sectoral plans in accordance with the guidelines of the national policy, the departmental plan and municipal plans.

Advise the departments and organizations decentralized in the preparation of annual action plans.

Coordinate national, departmental and municipal public investment in the territory of the Department.

Develop the Financial Plan of the Department in coordination with the Secretariat of finance.

Develop the annual operating Plan investments in the Department.

Organizing and directing the Bank's programs and departmental investment projects and register the respective projects considered viable.

Designing information systems of monitoring and evaluation of investment projects and noted in mandatory charge, terms and conditions.

Organize the statistical information from the Department system and the system of economic and social accounts as tools to assess the impact of government policies.

Coordinate, direct, and implement the system of geographic information in the Department.

Maintain up-to-date departmental planning status.

Identify and promote projects of international technical cooperation, held in support of the management of the Department and its monitoring and evaluation.

Design and organize the departmental Council of statistics, CODE and advise the creation of local councils of statistics, EATS.

Guide and assess national and regional plans of special character who is ahead in the departmental territory, in accordance with current regulations, and consideration of the nation and its decentralized agencies, Government's proposals the branch for the inclusion of the relevant municipalities as benefits of the same.

Develop studies and proposals for the segregation, aggregation of municipal territories, province and regions.

Serve as an advisory body to the State Government for the formulation of municipal Department decentralization policy as well as for the comprehensive support to municipalities in the process of planning and institutional strengthening.

Support to municipalities to advance programs that involve the recruitment of public credit, financing or any system of financing for local projects.

Serve as a liaison with the nation for purposes of administrative assistance and comprehensive institutional development that is bound to the municipalities, in aspects of sectoral and territorial planning should only be undertaken.

Issue the concepts that apply pursuant to powers granted by the law.

Provide technical assistance to municipalities and provinces with the aspects related to planning in accordance with current regulations and in coordination with the relevant entities, where this place.

Provide and promote training, training and technical assistance to municipalities, administrative entities and local authorities, communities and agencies Administrators local Department, on topics relating to the

management of planning rules.

Coordinate the preparation of the annual report of the status of the implementation of development plans that the State Government should submit to the Assembly.

Others who attributed the constitutional, legal and ordenanzales regulations arising from the nature of the dependency.

The functions of the planning and Territorial information are:

  1. Consolidate document the Department development plan and the multi-year investment plan.

    Promote or advance the necessary studies that will facilitate the formulation of the plan of development of the Department.

    Advise and assist the other secretariats and institutions decentralized in the development and evaluation of annual action plans.

    Carry out the follow-up and regular evaluation of the development plan of the Department as well as the Financial Plan and investments, in coordination with the Secretariat of finance.

    Coordinate and consolidate the annual report on implementation of the plan of development that must be submitted to the departmental Assembly.

    Provide technical assistance to municipalities and associations of municipalities in aspects related to the physical and administrative planning in accordance with current regulations.

    Studies on designs of zoning in planning regulations and monitor its implementation, in coordination with the corresponding municipal planning offices.

    Promote the institutional strengthening of the municipalities of the Department through modernization and improvements to capacity management and planning process.

    Maintain up-to-date information and diagnosis of the various sectors that make up the development plan.

    Coordinate and implement the policy of computer science in the Department that serves as the basis for the elaboration and monitoring of plans, programmes and projects.

    Define, promote, consolidate and update annually, the regional basic demographic, socio-economic, cultural and environmental statistics and generate annual publication.

    Establish the annual departmental PIS, taking into account the sources and regional phenomena.

    Design, establish and maintain geographic information system.

    Coordinate and provide technical assistance and establish departmental territorial information system, in coordination with all units of the departmental administration.

    The other arising from the nature of the area.


Address: Av. 5 among streets 13 and 14, corner. First floor.


Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 m. and 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.


Phone: Switch: 5710290-5710590 Ext: 1124 - 1120.

Systems: Ext. 1121.

Municipal assistance: Ext. 1107 1173.

SISBEN: Ext. 1123.


The functions of the Department of projects and follow-up to public investment are:

  1. Organize the Bank's programmes and projects of the Department and record all the projects selected as viable technique, economically and socially.

    Training and advising staff of departmental, municipal entities and community, in relation to identification, preparation, formulation and evaluation of public investment projects.

    Develop the annual operating Plan of investments of the Department, taking into account the investments of the Plan of development and projects registered in the Bank of projects of the Department.

    Develop the departmental investment budget and consolidate the information required for the preparation of the financial plan.

    Regularly assess the report on the conduct of departmental investment.

    Advising municipalities in the design, organization of the Bank of investment projects and programmes and joint national banks of programmes and projects network constituted by the nation, the Department and the municipalities.

    Administer and manage resources for co-financing in the Department.

    Consolidate the annual program of box of investment for all units of the Department.

    Carry out the monitoring and evaluation of projects of investment at the municipal level.

    Conceptualize about investment and amended budget projects, submitted by the municipalities to the Ministry of planning, in accordance with current regulations.

    Perform monitoring and evaluation to the municipal investment of resources drawn by the General system of shares, in accordance with the guidelines emanated by the National Planning Department.

    Train and advise regional or local authorities in relation to the implementation of municipal resources, preparation of the annual operating Plan of municipal investments and budgets.

    Studying the financial and economic situation of the municipalities in order to analyze and evaluate the feasibility of investment programs which they intend to carry out.

    The other arising from the nature of this area.


    Address: Av. 5 among streets 13 and 14, corner. First floor.


    Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 m. and 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.


    Phone: Switch: 5710290-5710590 Ext: 1113-1115.

Data of contact

  • AV. 5 among streets 13 and 14, corner. First floor.

  • Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 m. and 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

  • Switch: (57 + 7) 5710290 - (57 + 7) 5710590
  • Ext: 1104 - 1103-1105.

  • Direct: (57 + 7) 5712488 - (57 + 7) 5717271. Fax: (57 + 7) 5713323
