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Government  >  Departmental Administration  >  Advisory Offices  >  Internal Control of Management

Office of Internal Control of Management

Profile of the head of Office


Mary Luz Lizarazo




  • Free University of Colombia, sectional Cúcuta.
    Accounting public.

    Free University of Colombia, sectional Cúcuta.
    Specialization in auditing tax.
Secretario Atencion Integral a victimas






  • Assistant administrative, Mayor of Villa of the Rosario June 1998-Mayo 1999.

    Accounting Advisor, cuts and folds, February 2002.

    Advisory accounting, steel laminate it border, April of 2002.

    Advisor accountant, parish St. Francis of Assisi, October 2008.

    Head of Control inner of management, Mayor of Villa of the Rosary, January of 2008-January of 2011.

    Head of Internal Control of management, governance 2012 - 2015.

Office Information

It is the mission of the internal control advisory office to direct the departmental administration to comply with the law and the formulation of objectives and goals, allowing all the entities that make up the central administration to actively engage and engage in The exercise of internal control in accordance with the principles of equality, morality, efficiency, efficiency, economy, speed, impartiality, publicity and valuation of environmental costs.
The vision is to implement a good system of internal control in the department's governance, to generate a change of attitude in the public servant and to have the human talent efficient and widely committed to the success of the administration, Entity looking for the harmonious articulation of all its dependencies coordinating actions that lead to optimal results.
The main objective of Internal Control is to establish the actions, policies, methods, procedures and mechanisms for prevention, control, evaluation and continuous improvement of the Norte de Santander Governance that will allow the self-protection necessary to guarantee a transparent, efficient administrative function , Compliance with the Constitution, laws and norms that regulate it, coordination of actions with the different instances with which it is related and a high contribution to the fulfillment of the social purpose of the State.
  • Establish actions to ensure compliance with the administrative function of the entity, under the precepts and mandates imposed by the National Constitution, the law, its regulations and the regulations that are its own.
  • Define administrative rules from self-regulation that allows the coordination of actions of the entity.
  • Design the relevant verification and evaluation tools to ensure that the entity complies with the regulations governing its implementation.
  • Create awareness in all public servants of the importance of Control, by creating and maintaining a favorable environment that preserves its basic principles and favors the observance of its principles.
  • Provide adequate planning procedures and mechanisms for the design and organizational development of the entity, in accordance with its nature, characteristics and purposes of the entity.
  • Design the necessary procedures and instruments that allow the entity to protect its resources, seeking its adequate management in the face of possible risks that affect them.
  • Determine the mechanisms of prevention, detection and correction that allow to maintain the operations, functions and institutional activities in harmony with the principles of effectiveness, efficiency and economy.
  • Ensure that all activities and resources of the entity are directed towards the fulfillment of its constitutional function.
  • Establish mechanisms and procedures that ensure the generation and registration of timely and reliable information, necessary for internal decision-making, compliance with obligations at different levels of the State, information to stakeholders on how to conduct the entity And Accountability to the Community.
  • Design the instruments that allow effective internal and external communication to be made available in a transparent, timely and truthful manner, ensuring that the operation of the public entity is properly and properly executed, as well as the knowledge on the part Of the different interest groups of the results of the management.
  • Ensure the existence of mechanisms and procedures that allow real-time monitoring of the management of the entity by different levels of authority and responsibility, allowing timely corrective actions and improvement.
  • Have permanent verification and evaluation mechanisms of Internal Control that support decision making in pursuit of institutional objectives.
  • Guarantee the existence of the independent evaluation function of the Internal Control System and Internal Audit, as neutral mechanisms and objectives of verification of compliance with the management and the objectives of the public institution.
  • Promote the continuous improvement of the management of the entity and its ability to effectively respond to different stakeholders.
  • Establish the procedures that allow the integration of the observations coming from the control bodies to the improvement actions of the entity.
  • Provide the necessary mechanisms to guarantee the generation of basic information for the preparation of information reports and compliance with the obligations of the public entity at different levels of the State.
  • Establish procedures that allow the generation of information legally established by the different control bodies, which is responsible for monitoring the public entity.
  • To watch for the generation of reports and elaboration of reports that in use of their right to information, request the different interest groups.

The functions of the Office of Internal Control of Management are:

Verify that the processes developed by the departmental administration have defined their control system.

Monitor and control the fulfillment of goals and objectives, developed plans and projected departmental administration.

Develop what is established in Law 87 of 1993 and other rules that add, modify and replace it.

Certify the system of measurement of the Management of dependencies.

Follow up and control of the Management of the different processes that the departmental administration develops.

To verify the quality of the services of the departmental administration in front of its different types of clients: mayors, officials, pensioners and other citizens.

Develop knowledge about internal control in the people of the entity, through educational programs and dissemination.

Advise the different dependencies of the departmental administration in the implementation of control mechanisms that allow to achieve maximum levels of self-control in the activities that develops.

Maintain up-to-date information on the behavior of the indicators of each of the processes, plans, programs and projects of the departmental administration and of this as a whole against established parameters of efficiency and effectiveness and expected results.

Define and implement the management control system that allows monitoring the management of your dependency.

Ensure that the processes assigned to your area incorporate the changes generated in the environment and are permanently adapted to the needs of the departmental administration, in such a way as to contribute to the achievement of competitive advantages.

Ensure that citizen participation is incorporated in the processes in accordance with legal norms.

To exercise control over the decentralized entities over their activities and the coordination of these with the policy and program of the departmental administration.

The others that arise from the nature of the area.


  • AV. 5 among streets 13 and 14, corner. First floor.
  • Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m.-12:00 m. and 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
  • (57 + 7) 5710290-(57 + 7) 5710590 Ext: 1150