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Government  >  Departmental Administration  >  Secretaries  >  Secretariat of Housing and Environment

Secretariat of Housing and Environment

The Secretary's profile

Juan Carlos Uribe Sandoval 




  • Free University of Bogotá


    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

    Specialization in comparative constitutional law

    University Medellín.

    Master in procedural law.


Secretario de vivienda y medio ambiente







  • Counsel and advocate for important entities at the national level

    Professor at the Faculty of law at the free University

    Dean of the Faculty of law at the free University

    Departmental Government Secretary

    Associate judge of the Court litigious administrative of Norte de Santander.

Information of the Secretariat

Develop plans, programs and projects of construction, improvement of housing and legalization of land under an agreement with the municipalities of the Department; ensuring dignified conditions of habitability to the population and promoting actions focused on control, monitoring and environmental education that lead to the conservation of natural resources, coordinating the national policy to the needs of the region.
  1. Develop plans, programs and projects of housing of the departmental administration for the fulfilment of the objectives of the Development Plan.
  2. Perform the pre investment, execution and supervision of the works to be carried out in the different secretariats of the Department, related to social infrastructure.
  3. Manage the resources needed to carry out the different programs of rural and urban housing in the Department.
  4. Promote agreements, strategic alliances and other forms of partnerships with public and private national and international entities for the promotion, development and implementation of housing plans.
  5. Manage and administer the Special Fund of the Department of housing.
  6. Provide technical assistance to municipalities for the creation and strengthening of funds for housing and popular housing organizations.
  7. The municipalities of the Department to coordinate the elaboration of studies and designs of the various programmes of housing and social infrastructure.
  8. Acquire land to develop housing programs in the different municipalities in rural and urban areas.
  9. Coordinate and organize communities for the implementation of housing programmes.
  10. Give sectoral feasibility projects of housing and social infrastructure and register them in the banks of departmental projects and national, presented by different entities and communities.
  11. Manage transfers of resources from the national Government and other entities for the development of special projects of basic sanitation, health, education, community works, electrification, and recreation.
  12. Develop, promote and implement plans, programmes and projects in the field of improvement of housing, risk mitigation and relocation of residents.
  13. Perform other functions assigned by the Governor in accordance with the level and performance of the cargo area.
  14. Promote and implement programs, national, regional and sectoral policies in relation to the environment and renewable and non-renewable natural resources. Likewise, propose specific measures which, in accordance with the Constitution and the legal provisions in force, apply to the Department to issue.
  15. Promote and implement programs, national, regional and sectoral policies in relation to the environment and natural resources renewable and non-renewable; Likewise, propose specific measures which, in accordance with the Constitution and the legal provisions in force, apply to the Department to issue.
  16. Establish the necessary strategies for coordination and dialogue of the Department with the Ministry and other environmental bodies that make up the national environmental system - SINA.
  17. Promote environmental values of natural resources and natural resources and -intervened ecosystems, through cultural development, support of citizen participation and environmental education programs.
  18. Advisor, directing, implementing, and coordinating policies, plans, programs and projects that the State Government should advance in territorial and border integration.
  19. Provide advice and training to the municipalities, on topics relating to the management of the environment.
  20. Provide advice and recommend the issuance of ordinances or decrees and supplementary provisions, which should propose to the departmental Assembly or issued by the Governor in the exercise of their functions, and take in charge the efficient implementation of the decisions taken as a result of the enactment of such provisions.
  21. Implement methods and administrative procedures, with their corresponding training and control mechanisms to harmonize activities with other departmental units and Government agencies on the national agenda, so that to guarantee the principles of economy, transparency, speed, efficiency, impartiality, advertising and contradiction, in the services to be addressed in the relevant administrative procedures.
  22. Coordinate and supervise various tasks assigned to the Secretariat by ensuring that they conform to standards of quality and efficiency in the service.
  23. Sign on behalf of the Department and in accordance with the parameters of delegation, contracts pertaining to issues related to the Secretariat in accordance with the law, the delegation of the Governor and other relevant standards.
  24. Issue administrative acts and resolve resources within their competence, in accordance with current legal standards.
  25. Prepare the drafts of Ordinance relating to their sector, draft decree must be enacted in exercise of the powers of the Governor and leading the execution of the decisions and orders of the same.
  26. Prepare the draft annual budget of the unit and answer for their performance.
  27. Evaluate and process inspection of investment projects of the Secretariat at the Bank of investment projects.
  28. Establish, coordinate, control, and evaluate an annual operational plan, which involves the following aspects: administrative, financial, sectoral development and guarantee of quality, management, monitoring, surveillance and control.
  29. Coordinate, monitor and evaluate the performance of the staff in charge, under the terms established by 909 of 2004 law and its regulatory decrees.
  30. Content drives strategic and matrix groups flexible composition, for the development of programmes and projects, enabling you to streamline human resource and the scope of the institutional objectives.
  31. Participate in the departmental Council of planning, assuming functions legally established.
  32. Train the officials of the institution in the field of territorial planning.
  33. Other functions which attributed the current constitutional, legal and Ordinance provisions, and that assigned by the Governor, according to the level, nature and performance of the cargo area.
  34. Manage the municipalities access to housing programs of social interest and rural housing, according to the projects identified in the plans and zoning schemes.
  35. Adopt standards and requirements for awarding new housing or contribution to the improvement of used housing.
  36. The housing programs and plans relating to the conservation of the environment, will be awarded by this Secretariat and other entity that assigns the Governor under the parameters established by law.
  37. This Secretariat, support and guide programs and standards of national and local authorities where there is a similar unit adapted to the needs of our Department.

Mode 1. Complementary departmental allowance for titling of land tax.

General policy: This complementary subsidy will be granted to the occupants of property tax that have illegally occupied it before the 30 November 2001 and which are within the national degree of property tax program that advances the Ministry of environment, housing and Territorial Development, in order to subsidize you tax the tax ballot issued by the Secretary of the Treasury Department.

Specific guidelines.


Be a fiscal grounds of municipal, departmental, or national order.

Having been occupied before the 30 November 2001.

The occupation must correspond to a social interest housing whose value does not exceed the 135 s.m.m.l.v.

The occupation must not be on risk, protection or development area and must be certified by the office of planning, or care and risks, or CORPONOR among others.

They may not have other subsidies or land in the national territory.

Be within national degree of property tax program that advances the Ministry of environment, housing and Territorial Development.

Not have been beneficiary of a departmental supplementary subsidy for titling of land tax.

Value of the subsidy: from 0.20 to 0.41 S.M.M.L.V. S.M.M.L.V.

Mode 2. Complementary departmental allowance for new or used housing.

General policy: This complementary subsidy will be granted in money or in kind, a one-time beneficiary home, in order to facilitate the acquisition of a new or used, without charge of restitution social interest housing, provided that the beneficiary complies with the conditions laid down in the regulations.

Specific guidelines.

a new housing.

General policy: This complementary subsidy will be granted in money or in kind, a one-time beneficiary home, in order to facilitate the acquisition of a new, free of charge of restitution of social interest housing, provided that the beneficiary complies with the conditions laid down in the regulations.


Colombian citizen, be of legal age.

Having a home in the terms established by the 1991 Act 03, the 975 Decree of 2004.

Belong to level 1 or 2 of Sisben.

To be beneficiary of a family housing subsidy of national origin for new social housing, awarded by FONVIVIENDA, Caja de Compensación Familiar or other entity or organization co-financing, or credit approved by the national savings fund.

Monthly family income must be less than four (4) minimum monthly wages in legal force.

Not have been beneficiary of a departmental supplementary subsidy.

Prioritization criteria:

The family allowance of housing of national origin, should have been nominated through some boxes of family compensation of the North Santander Department.

The departmental supplementary allowance is granted only to registered applicants in projects led by the governorate of North of Santander and later have been benefited by the national family allowance.

Departmental complementary subsidy will be prioritized to households displaced by the violence, homes located in areas of disaster or public calamity, households affected by terrorists or projects for reinsertada population and vulnerable populations 1 and 2.

Applies the concept of the principle of the differential approach.

Value of the subsidy: from 6.03 to 10.07 S.M.M.L.V. S.M.M.L.V.

b. used housing.

General policy: This complementary subsidy will be awarded cash to households formed by displaced population, benefiting from a subsidy for new or used housing of national origin and which to date have not been applied, due to lack of resources that reach the real price of housing on the market.


Colombian citizen, be of legal age.

Be a home consisting of displaced population.

Be certified by Social action as a displaced person.

To be beneficiary of a new or used national origin housing family allowance, granted by FONVIVIENDA.

The family allowance of housing of national origin, should have been extended in force at least in two occasions.

Prioritization criteria:

The family allowance of housing of national origin, should have been nominated through some boxes of family compensation of the North Santander Department.

Applies the concept of the principle of the differential approach.

Value of the subsidy: of 2,01 S.M.M.L.V. to 4.03 S.M.M.L.V.

Mode 3. Complementary departmental subsidy for improvement of housing.

General policy: This complementary subsidy will be awarded in cash or kind, a one-time home recipient, in order to improve housing is urban or rural, without charge of restitution, provided that the beneficiary complies with the conditions laid down in the regulations.

Specific guidelines.

a. urban.

General policy: This complementary subsidy will be granted in money or in kind, a one-time beneficiary home, in order to improve housing urban, without charge for refund, provided that the beneficiary complies with the conditions laid down in the regulations.


Colombian citizen, be of legal age.

Have the housing ownership.

Not be located in area of high risk.

Having a home in the terms established by the 1991 Act 03, 2004 Decree 975.

Belong to level 1 or 2 of Sisben.

To be beneficiary of a family housing subsidy of national origin for the improvement of housing, awarded by FONVIVIENDA or box family compensation, or Social Action, or other entity or organization co-financing, or credit approved by the national savings fund.

Monthly family income must be less than four (4) legal monthly minimum wage in force.

Not have been beneficiary of a departmental supplementary subsidy.

The housing must be located within the territory of the North Santander Department.

Prioritization criteria:

The family allowance of housing of national origin, should have been nominated through some boxes of family compensation of the North Santander Department.

The departmental supplementary allowance is granted only to registered applicants in projects led by the governorate of North of Santander and later have been benefited by the national family allowance granted by FONVIVIENDA or box family compensation, or Social Action, or other entity or organization co-financing, or credit approved by the national savings fund.

Departmental complementary subsidy will be prioritized to households displaced by the violence, of public calamity, households affected by terrorists or projects for reinsertada population, vulnerable populations 1 and 2.

Applies the concept of the principle of the differential approach.

Value of the subsidy: 2, to 4.03 S.M.M.L.V. 01S.M.M.L.V.

b. rural.

General policy: This complementary subsidy will be granted in money or in kind, a one-time beneficiary home, in order to improve rural, without charge of restitution housing, provided that the beneficiary complies with the conditions laid down in the regulations


Colombian citizen, be of legal age.

Having a home in the terms established by the 1991 Act 03, 2004 Decree 975.

Belong to level 1 or 2 of Sisben.

To be beneficiary of a family housing subsidy of national origin for improvement of housing, awarded by BANAGRARIO or other entity or agency co-financing.

Not have been beneficiary of the departmental supplementary subsidy.

The housing must be located within the territory of the North Santander Department.

Prioritization criteria:

The departmental supplementary allowance is granted only to registered applicants in projects led by the governorate of North of Santander and later have been benefited by the national family allowance granted by BANAGRARIO or other entity or agency co-financing.

The departmental supplementary subsidy will be prioritized to households displaced by the violence, of public calamity, households affected by terrorists or projects for reinsertada population, vulnerable population 1 and 2 and indigenous people.

Applies the concept of the principle of the differential approach.

Value of the subsidy: of 2,01 S.M.M.L.V. to 4.03 S.M.M.L.V.

Data of contact

  • AV. 5 among streets 13 and 14, corner. Second floor.
  • Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 m. and 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
  • Switch. (57 + 7) 5710290
  • (57 + 7) 5710590.
  • Ext: 1116.

Gallery of images Ministry of housing and environment

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