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Government  >  Departmental Administration  >  Secretaries  >  Secretariat of Government

Secretariat of Government

The Secretary's profile

Yebrail Andrés Haddad Linero 



  • Universidad Externado.

    Universidad Externado.
    Master in law.
Secretario secretaría de gobierno






  • University Professor

    Advisor to the National Electoral Council, Director of judicial proceedings and administrative of the governorship of Cundinamarca

    Ocaña official

    Mayor of Ocana

    Director of the national family welfare system

    Governance adviser for the peace of the United Nations development program.

    He is author of the books "Global crusade against terrorism, Afghanistan and Iraq cases" and "deliberative democracy, perspective review", edited by the Universidad Externado de Colombia.


Information of the Secretariat

Consolidate the principles of peaceful and harmonious coexistence, respect and protection of human rights, citizen participation, participatory democracy and conservation and inter-agency coordination. Support to justice and civil, military authorities and police, the assistance and legal advice to municipal public servants and local administrative authorities located in the jurisdiction of the Department. Likewise, define and establish mechanisms for prevention and care of the emergencies and disasters caused by the action of man or nature.

  1. Coordinate with municipalities and inherent to their functions, the fulfillment of the political Constitution, law, Government decrees and ordinances of the departmental Assembly, in relation to the provisions of article 305 article 1 of the Constitution politics in Colombia.
  2. Determine the policies, plans and programmes adopted to ensure coexistence, preservation, conservation and restoration of public order of the Department and the achievement of peace.
  3. Direct, guide and coordinate the departmental system for prevention of emergencies and disasters and the departmental system of fire.
  4. Designing actions allowing to generate spaces, alternatives and proposals that make possible the creation of the culture of tolerance, dialogue and the dialogue for the pursuit and preservation of peace throughout the departmental.
  5. To advise mayors as heads of police of the municipality, in the relevant orders and instructions relating to public order, emanating from the national and departmental governments.
  6. Support the Registraduria Nacional del Estado Civil, in the different electoral processes that occur in the jurisdiction of the Department.
  7. Support in the implementation of electoral processes in accordance with regulations in force on the subject, ensuring the same transparency and the free exercise of the political rights of citizens, encouraging the participation of e·stos in the democratic constituencies.
  8. Develop and coordinate outreach programmes for the protection of human rights required in the Department, in order to achieve peaceful coexistence and tolerance of citizens.
  9. To coordinate, in accordance with the guidelines drawn by the national Government and the Governor of the Department, standardization, rehabilitation, rehabilitation and reintegration programmes.
  10. Support and assist citizens and civil associations, exercise community participation mechanisms established in the Constitution and the law.
  11. Exert the technical secretariat of the departmental Council of peace.
  12. Adopt new technology to improve the effectiveness of the processes developed by the Secretariat of Government, in accordance with the evolution of information technology.
  13. The policies Secretariat General, ensure the proper and timely performance of their functions and coordinate the activities of its areas of work.
  14. Study topics assigned by the Governor, addressing audiences which will indicate and represent it in matters which designate him.
  15. Attend the departmental Assembly citations for reporting and resolving issues in their sector.
  16. Attend the meetings of boards, committees and councils management of which is a member. Attendance at these meetings may delegate it to officials of the level immediately below yours, when so determined by the reglamentos.m in other cases, may designate representatives who are officials of the Secretariat, who will be in attendance for the performance of the functions of legal regulations and bylaws assign to such units and proper coordination of these powers.
  17. Sign on behalf of the Department and in accordance with the parameters of delegation, corresponding contracts issues related to the Secretariat in accordance with the law, the delegation of the Governor and other relevant standards.
  18. Issuing administrative acts, and resolve resources within their competence, in accordance with the laws in force.
  19. Prepare the drafts of Ordinance relating to their sector, draft decree must be enacted in exercise of the powers of the Governor and leading the execution of the decisions and orders of the same.
  20. Prepare the draft annual budget of the unit and answer for their performance.
  21. Evaluate and process inspection of investment projects of the Secretariat at the Bank of investment projects.
  22. Establish, coordinate, control, and evaluate an annual operational plan, which involves the following aspects: administrative, financial, sectoral development and guarantee of quality, management, monitoring, surveillance and control.
  23. Coordinate, monitor and evaluate the performance of the staff in charge, under the terms established by 909 of 2004 law and its regulatory decrees.
  24. Content drives strategic and matrix groups flexible composition, for the development of programmes and projects, enabling you to streamline human resource and the scope of the institutional objectives.
  25. The other functions which attributed the current constitutional, legal and Ordinance provisions, and that assigned by the Governor, according to the level, nature and performance of the cargo area.

Functions in the Area of public order and public safety are:

Coordinate with the mayors, civil, judicial and military authorities and police, the preservation and restoration of public order in the Department.

Coordinate the formulation of plans, programs and specific projects for Standardization, rehabilitation and reintegration of the groups raised arms, with compliance with the guidelines and policies adopted by the Government.

Coordinate the administration of the Security Fund of the Northern Department of Santander.

Develop and maintain updated in coordination with civil, judicial and military authorities and police departmental security, public order and citizen coexistence Plan.

Support to municipal authorities in the development, creation and implementation underway houses of family stations, the jurisdiction of peace and justice.

Coordinate with competent institutions infrastructure supporting forcible and resocialization programmes to the detainee.

Encourage the participation of citizens in the adoption of mechanisms for collaboration with the authorities of police and justice, especially for the Elimination of the supply and consumption of psychoactive substances.

Exert the technical secretariat of the boards of security, sectional Narcotic Drugs Council, Committee of public order, departmental Committee on human rights.

Coordinate with State entities and other competent entities the promotion, dissemination and protection of human rights and international humanitarian law in the Department.

Promote the incorporation of the component of human rights and international humanitarian law in local development plans.

With civil, judicial, police authorities to coordinate public policies to control issues of domestic violence, violence against children and adolescents.

Design and coordinate the implementation of public information campaigns for the community to participate in security programs.

Ensure the permanent exchange of information between the various agencies of the State in the departmental and local level on issues related to public order.

Fulfil other functions assigned to the competent authority, according to the nature of the dependency.

LOCATION : Address: Av. 5 among streets 13 and 14, corner. Second floor.

Attention: Monday to Friday HOURS: 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 m. and 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

  • Consulting, training and technical assistance, to meet the deepest needs of the most vulnerable social sectors.
  • Encourage by the realization of meetings of order departmental and national of them actors of the system of cooperation international.
  • Manage resources of cooperation international with the sources bilateral or multilateral, to the development of the Department.
  • Carry out studies and promote initiatives that result in the border integration and international relations with other countries for the development of the economic, social, environmental and cultural activities.
  • Promote to the city of Cúcuta and to them municipalities of the North of Santander, as a stage appropriate for the investment national and foreign, by their advantages comparative and competitive facing the rest of the world.
    • ACNUR
      • Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados.
    • CICR
      • Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja.
    • CISP
      • Comité Internacional para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos.
    • NRC
      • Consejo Noruego para Refugiados.
    • CRUE
      • Centro Regulador de Urgencia y Emergencias.
    • GTZ
      • Agencia de cooperación Técnica Alemana.
    • MAPP/OEA
      • Misión Apoyo a los Procesos de Paz de Organizaciones Americanas.
      • Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos.
    • OCHA
      • Oficina de Asuntos Humanitarios de las Naciones Unidas.
    • OEI
      • Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos.
    • OIM
      • Organización Internacional para las Migraciones.
    • OPS
      • Organización Panamericana de Salud.
    • PMA
      • Programa Mundial de Alimentos.
    • UNDSS
      • Oficina de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas.
    • UNODC
      • Oficina de la Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito.
    • UE
      • Comunidad de la Unión Europea
    • USAID
      • Agencia de cooperación de Estados Unidos.
    • BIC
      • Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo.
    • COSUDE
      • Agencia Suiza para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación.
    • UNICEF
      • Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia.
      • Cancillería – Plan Fronteras.

Data of contact

  • AV. 5 among streets 13 and 14, corner. Second floor.
  • Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 m. and 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
  • (57 + 7) 5710290-(57 + 7) 5710590 Ext: 1185.

Public announcements
