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Secretariat of Frontiers and International Cooperation

Profile of the Secretary

Juan Carlos Cortés Arias 




  • Environmental engineer, majoring in management in safety and health at work.

secretario secretaría de fronteras y cooperación internacional







  • With over 15 years of professional experience in environmental areas, formulation of projects, teaching and research and social work with communities from their linkswith the community associations of the Department. Exerted as professional in assistance technical environmental to the projects and programs of the Secretariat of development economic of the Department and in the accompaniment in the component environmental of the Plan of ordering productive that is develops with the unit Regional of planning agricultural, UPRA.


Information from the Secretariat

Is mission of the Secretariat of borders and cooperation international contribute with the development and well-being of the relations political, economic, cultural and of cooperation in the region border; at the same time; strengthen and manage actions and programs of interest departmental and border invigorating the identity of the Department in the State Colombian and on the outside.

  1. Manage or participate in the proceedings and approval of treaties or international agreements to the National Executive and the Congress of the Republic, to the procurement of resources for the well-being of the inhabitants of our Department.
  2. Carry out studies and propose initiatives that lead to the border with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela integration and international relations with other countries for the development of the economic, social, cultural and environmental activities including:
  3. Identify, unify and maximize the efforts of entities of the State power in the Department.
  4. Promote the strengthening of the processes of integration and cooperation, advising the Governor on the removal of obstacles and artificial barriers preventing the natural interaction of border activities.
  5. Propose to the Governor lead the creation and adoption of standards in the field of transportation, tax and customs, for the economic development of the border area.
  6. Analyze the needs of services to facilitate the border integration.
  7. Organize actions partner, economic, cultural and environmental needed to integrate the Department institutionally to the national system of international cooperation.
  8. Promote international cooperation with the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and other countries, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, laws and agreements signed by Colombia, for which in partnership and cooperation with national and international entities, related public entities, foundations, Chamber of Commerce, guilds, Church, academia and NGOs, should:
  9. Provide advice, training and technical assistance, to meet the deepest needs of the most vulnerable social sectors, including displaced persons, the reintegration, indigenous and the Afro, focusing inside with an emphasis on children, youth, family, women heads of household, disabled people, older adults, and ethnic groups, through institutional strategies.
  10. Managing and promoting programmes and projects for the prevention and reduction of illegal migration and trafficking in persons in the Colombian-Venezuelan border.
  11. Coordinate and supervise the plans, programmes and projects aimed at strengthening and coordination of institutional procedures of access to international cooperation in jointly, thus achieving a permanent and comprehensive development in the nortesantandereano territory.
  12. Prepare plans, programmes and projects of international cooperation or surrender technical concept about the viability of those who made and intend to negotiate the departmental administration and its decentralized entities.
  13. Coordinate conventions related to international cooperation that establishes the governorate and its decentralized entities.
  14. Manage resources for international cooperation with bilateral or multilateral sources for the social, economic, cultural and environmental development of the Department.
  15. Manage plans, programmes and projects of international cooperation that the governorate and track them.
  16. Propose for seminars on departmental and national order of the actors of the national system of international cooperation.
  17. Coordinate and conduct in common agreement with the respective national, departmental and municipal authorities, actions in the colombo-Venezuelan border in conjunction with the relevant authorities of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, for:
  18. Tend to raise the standard of living to manage resources with bilateral or multilateral sources of international cooperation in favour of settled communities in the border area colombo - Venezuelan, which shall identify in particular those which do not receive State assistance on the issues of health, education, recreation, and employment on grounds of nationality.
  19. Resolve transit management and treatment to tourists.
  20. Interact with the Ministry of economic development and tourism, seeking to promote development through the promotion of the Department as a tourist destination: as an integral part of a binational tourist corridor or path of the liberator and encouraging the hotel network to take advantage of the seasonal low.
  1. Prioritize the integration of Norte de Santander with the States of Venezuela in the border area, through consensus oriented to the strengthening of international law, the promotion of the values associated with the international peace, the democratic form of Government, respect for human rights and a balanced trade system, a better distribution of the benefits of globalization and democratization of the system of decision-making in international organizations.
  2. Support multilateralism, establishing for this purpose relationships serious, mature and rational, aiming to maintain an active presence in the relevant international organizations for the country, adapting to the same time contribution to the same to real national capacities.
  3. Advocating the opening of the country to the world realistically, in the framework of deepening regional integration - in particular through agreements policies - applying criteria flexible negotiators, according to the circumstances of the international context, in order to strengthen the re-establishment of the credibility, reliability and predictability of our Department.
  4. Deepen the strategic alliance with the Venezuelan States bordering our Department in all its aspects, as the base how to strengthen political and economic.
  5. Participate actively for peace, seeking consensus in multilateral fields which commit them effectively in the promotion of socio-economic development and the fight against poverty.
  6. Promote the manifestations of culture, tourism and sport form presented to the world a comprehensive vision of the society significant, giving particular attention to the need to support young artists, in the activities of dissemination of culture abroad.
  7. Deepen the institutional coordination and policy between the Foreign Ministry and other bodies and agencies of the Department, according to the cooperation of international organizations, other regional bodies, the private sector and representatives of civil society.
  8. Boost participation in humanitarian assistance activities and encourage the voluntary regional and border.
  • Advice, training and assistance technical, to meet the needs more heartfelt of the sectors social more vulnerable.
  • Promote seminars on departmental and national order of the actors in the system of international cooperation.
  • Manage resources of cooperation international with the sources bilateral or multilateral, to the development of the Department.
  • Carry out studies and promote initiatives that result in it integration border and them relations international with them others countries for the development of the activities economic, social, environmental and cultural.
  • To promote the city of Cúcuta and the municipalities of Norte de Santander, as a setting suitable for the national and foreign investment due to its comparative and competitive advantages compared to the rest of the world.
    • ACNUR
      • Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados.
    • CICR
      • Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja.
    • CISP
      • Comité Internacional para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos.
    • NRC
      • Consejo Noruego para Refugiados.
    • CRUE
      • Centro Regulador de Urgencia y Emergencias.
    • GTZ
      • Agencia de cooperación Técnica Alemana.
    • MAPP/OEA
      • Misión Apoyo a los Procesos de Paz de Organizaciones Americanas.
      • Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos.
    • OCHA
      • Oficina de Asuntos Humanitarios de las Naciones Unidas.
    • OEI
      • Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos.
    • OIM
      • Organización Internacional para las Migraciones.
    • OPS
      • Organización Panamericana de Salud.
    • PMA
      • Programa Mundial de Alimentos.
    • UNDSS
      • Oficina de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas.
    • UNODC
      • Oficina de la Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito.
    • UE
      • Comunidad de la Unión Europea
    • USAID
      • Agencia de cooperación de Estados Unidos.
    • BIC
      • Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo.
    • COSUDE
      • Agencia Suiza para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación.
    • UNICEF
      • Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia.
      • Cancillería – Plan Fronteras.

Data of contact

  • AV. 5 among streets 13 and 14, corner. First floor.
  • Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 m. and 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
  • (57 + 7) 5710290 - (57 + 7) 5710590. Ext. 1125.

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