He was born in the municipality of Arboledas, comes from a humble family of village composed by Vitelmo Villamizar and Matilde Laguado, and seven brothers, he studied primary education in Chinácota, Herrán and Ragonvalia in different educational institutions due to the condition of his mother, Who was a rural teacher. His high school studies carried out in the Departmental Integrated School Juan Atalaya, being the best bachelor and best ICFES tests of the Educational Institution; He is a Civil Engineer from the Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, with a degree from Laureada. He studied postgraduate studies in Financial Management at the Free University and Public Management at the School of Public Administration (ESAP). During his professional practice he was awarded the Regional Engineering Prize Gustavo Ararat Negrón.
His public life began as a social and community leader in the citadel of Juan Atalaya, where he stood out as a great leader generating solutions for communities, later incursionó the Council of the city of Cúcuta, for three periods, where he retired To aspire to the Government of Norte de Santander for the period 2008-2011, obtaining in that occasion the biggest vote in the history of some Governor.
Being Governor, his leadership as president of the National Planning Council, in the implementation of the public policy of Infancy, Adolescence and Youth, and the recognition that Corporación Colombia Líder gave him as one of the five best governors of the country for the 2008 period -2011 With more than 232 thousand votes, was again elected to govern the North-Easterners during the period 2016-2019, its Development Plan, in this second term, aims at productivity, competitiveness and consolidate in the region the pillars that Promotes the National Government as they are, education, security and peace.
Its imprint for a Productive North frames the development plan of its departmental administration 2016-2019.