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Secretary for Information Technology and Communications

Secretary's profile


Marina Lozano Ropero



  • Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana.
    Santafe de Bogota, administration and finance.

    Escuela Superior de Administración Pública, ESAP.
    Specialist in public finance.
Secretario Atencion Integral a victimas






  • Address of transit of Norte de Santander.

    Secretary of equity and gender of Cúcuta.
    Secretary of Social development of the municipality of Cúcuta.

    Private Secretary of the Governor's Office.

    The women of the Interior Secretariat.

    Member for the period 2012-2015.


Information from the Secretariat

Encourage the development of policies in the sector of information technologies and communications to all the inhabitants of the Department of Norte de Santander, thus ensuring conditions of competitiveness and increased productivity for economic and social development of the region; with the active participation of local, national and international community; to allow the productive sector, educational sector, and other sectors, its access, appropriation and benefits of ICT.
  1. Promote the use of the technologies of information and communication in the departmental order, as a tool of regional development, thus enabling their access, ownership and benefit all the inhabitants of the region, and generating increased competitiveness.
  2. Develop action plans that will allow the articulation of policies in the sector in relation nacion-territorio.
  3. Formulating plans, programmes and projects to promote access to the technologies of information and communication in the departmental order.
  4. Manage in coordination with other units of the departmental administration, the permanent support of science, technology and innovation policy in the Department.
  5. Provide the technical support required by public bodies, private bodies and community in general for the creation, implementation and updating of systems and national and international networks of information contributing to the technological development of the Department.
  6. Lead management of the departmental management information systems, supporting technologically to all units that compose it.
  7. Define the technological infrastructure of the Department in accordance with institutional needs.
  8. Define the guidelines for the management of the website of the entity.
  9. Coordinate with the General Secretariat and the Secretariat's departmental planning the schedule of trainings on the appropriation of the strategy "Government on line" to the inside of the governorate of North of Santander.
  10. The policies Secretariat General, ensure the proper and timely performance of their functions and coordinate the activities of its areas of work.
  11. Study the issues assigned to the Gobenador, to attend hearings indicating him to represent it in matters which designate him.
  12. Attend the departmental Assembly citations for reporting and resolving issues in their sector.
  13. Sign on behalf of the Department and in accordance with the parameters of delegation, the corresponding contracts issues related to the Secretariat in accordance with the law. the delegation of the Governor and other relevant standards.
  14. Issue administrative acts and resolve resources within their competence, in accordance with current legal standards.
  15. Prepare the drafts of Ordinance relating to their sector, draft decree must be enacted in exercise of the powers of the Governor and leading the execution of the decisions and orders of the same.
  16. Prepare the draft annual budget of the unit and answer for their performance.
  17. Evaluate and process inspection of investment projects of the Secretariat at the Bank of investment projects.
  18. Establish, coordinate, control, and evaluate an annual operational plan, which involves the following aspects: administrative, financial, sectoral development and guarantee of quality, management, monitoring, surveillance and control.
  19. Coordinate, monitor and evaluate the performance of the staff in charge, in terms that establishes the 909 of 2004 law and regulatory rights.
  20. Content drives strategic and matrix groups flexible composition, for the development of programs and projects that allow rationalizing human resources and the scope of the institutional objectives.
  21. Other functions which it attributed to the current constitutional, legal and Ordinance provisions, and that assigned by the Governor, according to the level, nature and performance of the cargo area.

Functions in the Area of planning and infrastructure are:

  1. Plan, direct and evaluate the technological development of the Department for the construction of an infrastructure of information and communication technologies to support the processes of planning, programming, implementation and evaluation of programmes and projects contained in the departmental Development Plan.
  2. Design, implement and execute plans, programmes and projects aimed at disseminating and overcrowd the access, use and benefits of information technologies and communications in the region.
  3. Adopt and promote policies, programmes and projects in the sector of information technologies and communications in the region at the level of the Department.
  4. Articulate with other departmental units needs technological infrastructure in order to ensure compliance with institutional goals.
  5. Promote the generation of applications and the development of local digital content that are relevant and useful for citizens and regional micro.
  6. Encourage the development of applications for MSMEs and the software industry generally.
  7. Provide advice to municipalities, public and private in the adoption and implementation of policies in the sector.

The Area of services and information systems functions are:

  1. Support technologically to the departmental administration, orientation about the computer platform required as well as the Hardware and Software performing management and assurance of information in charge of each of the departmental agencies.
  2. To lead the Administration and security of the information systems in the governorate of North of Santander.
  3. Response by the administration of the website of the entity.
  4. Strengthen the system of information of the Department, from the requirements of each of the agencies, guaranteeing the efficiency of public administration in charge of the institution.
  5. Consolidate the data center at departmental level, which permits count on accurate, reliable and timely information in each of the sectors that constitute the Mission of the entity.
  6. Train the servers in the use of different information systems that has the entity.

The functions of the Area of Government on line are:

  1. Lead lives Digital projector at the territorial level.
  2. Project administrative acts that are required for the fulfilment of the legal provisions relating to the implementation of the strategy "Government on line".
  3. Provide advice and accompaniment to the territorial entities, decentralized entities and private sector in the appropriation of "Government on line" strategy.
  4. Train the servers of the entity in the implementation and ownership of the strategy "Government on line".

Contact details

  • AV. 5 among streets 13 and 14, corner. First floor.

  • Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 m. and 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

  • Switch: (57 + 7) 5710290 - (57 + 7) 5710590 Ext: 1131.
