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Government  >  Departmental Administration  >  Secretaries  >  Legal Secretariat

Legal Secretariat

The Secretary's profile

Victoria Margarita Sánchez Ayala 



  • Universidad Católica de Colombia.

    Escuela Superior de Administración Pública, ESAP.
    Specialization in public management






secretario jurídico






  • Manager. Radio the voice of the North1989-1993.

    Councillor, City Council Cúcuta 1994-2000. President year 2000.

    Member of Parliament, departmental Assembly. President years 2001-2011

    Chief of the Office of Control internal disciplinary

Information from the Secretariat

In accordance with the institutional mission; the legal secretariat aims to ensure representation and legal assistance of departmental administration, in defence of their interests; legally support the administrative management, develop processes that requires the exercise of the judicial process and carry out the control and surveillance of the entities without profit, under a comprehensive and participatory approach through the implementation of actions to ensure that the actions of the Department comply with the legal regulations that.
  1. Study topics assigned by the Governor, addressing audiences which will indicate and represent it in matters which designate him.
  2. Ensure that the administrative acts of the Department comply with law.
  3. Conceptualize on the legitimacy of the draft rules, regulations and other acts that different agencies from the central level of the Department should issue.
  4. Identify the measures that the Governor should take to respond conservatorships and enforcement actions, and other constitutional actions, which are filed against the departmental administration according to law.
  5. Ensure that the unity of legal criteria in the departmental administration through advisory processes are given different dependencies, especially in the standardization of processes of recruitment in accordance with the law.
  6. Define the procedures and terms for the hiring of outside lawyers that advance the causes or provide counseling specialized control over to them and give regular reports on the State of the processes and management of responsible lawyers.
  7. Project for the signature of the Governor, the measures through which the resources whose expertise is the Governor of the Department are resolved.
  8. Assist and advise the Governor and other departmental units in the implementation of laws, regulations and other legal matters.
  9. The inquiries that individuals in exercise of the right of petition, formulated as case.
  10. Exercise follow-up to the legislative processes that are in the National Congress, the regulatory developments which is ahead in the national Government and the departmental Assembly, and analyze its impact and implications for the Department.
  11. Arrange the documents required for the granting of letters of nature that correspond to the governorate of North of Santander in accordance with the law.
  12. The registration of the boards of Directors of non-profit entities and issue certifications related to the personerías of legal competence of the Governor of Norte de Santander in accordance with current regulations.
  13. Assign the real estate registry that is competence of the Governor of Norte de Santander.
  14. Keep up to date legal information and define processes that facilitate your inquiry and application.
  15. Exercise the judicial collection of obligations in favour of the Department providing merit Executive in accordance with the rules governing the matter.
  16. Proposals for consideration by the Conciliation Committee of processes that occur in the departmental administration.
  17. Implement, in coordination with the Ministry of planning and Territorial Development, information systems that guarantee agility and reliability in processes that interact.
  18. Review the administrative acts of the councils and municipal authorities, in accordance with the Constitution and the law, and project demands that is no place for the signature of the Governor, to search for the review by the Administrative Court, when it has place.
  19. Prepare the drafts of Decree and decisions that the Governor, should utter prior draft of the various rooms, as part of the administrative actions of the State Government.
  20. Review the administrative acts that intend to the various rooms for the signature of the Governor.
  21. Keep the file in classified and chronological order of resolutions and decrees that utters the administration.
  22. The detailed record of actions that take in the processes that are proxy Department officials from the Secretariat or from who the Department contracted for the purpose.
  23. Control of legality, on administrative acts that utters the departmental Assembly, and are for the sanction of the Governor.
  24. Resolve legal consultations to formulate municipal mayors and
  25. Associations of municipalities in the performance of their functions.
  26. To collect and disseminate constitutional and legal provisions related to the departmental and municipal administration in general and its jurisprudential and doctrinal development.
  27. Advice, legal, the recruitment process.
  28. Advice, legal, the tender documents.
  29. Keep up to date and inform the administration central and decentralized, the table corresponding to the amounts that set recruitment capacity, minimum amount, in accordance with the budget of the Department and each decentralized entity, in accordance with provisions of the law on public procurement.
  30. Others who attributed the constitutional, legal and ordenanzales regulations arising from the nature of the dependency.

Data of contact

  • AV. 5 among streets 13 and 14, corner. Second floor.
  • Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 m. and 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
  • Switch. (57 + 7) 5710290
  • (57 + 7) 5710590.
  • Ext: 1181-1183 - 1178 - 1177
  • Fax: (57 + 7) 5719394

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