1. leadership in promotion of the Department of North Santander.
Between the Norte de Santander Department, the municipality of San José de Cúcuta, the municipality of Pamplona, the Chamber of Commerce of Cúcuta, Cotelco chapter North of Santander and the joint promotion of norte de SantanderCorporation.
Aim of project: go efforts between the Norte de Santander Department, the municipality of San José de Cúcuta, the municipality of Pamplona, the Chamber of Commerce of Cúcuta, Cotelco chapter joint Corporation of promotion of norte de Santander, and Norte de Santander to promote tourist Department norte de Santander.
2. alternative communication and community involvement the culture and coexistence in Norte de Santander "Knowing us expressing ourselves and valuing us".
3 joint and institutional strengthening for the implementation of the system of culture of Norte de Santander.
4 recovery and adaptation of the building of the clock tower.
5 inventory of heritage archaeological Palenteologico and rock art in the Department of Norte de Santander.
6. recovery House Home General Santander, municipality of Villa del Rosario.
7. promotion of training and artistic and Audiovisual expression in the Norte de Santander Department.
8. strengthening of the processes of protection, conservation, rehabilitation and dissemination of the Cultural Heritage in Norte de Santander.
9. strengthening of public library Julio Pérez Ferrero.
10. maintenance of the old San Juan de Dios Hospital (public library Julio Pérez Ferrero), in Cucuta Norte de Santander.
11. recovery of historic complex of Villa del Rosario, Department of Norte de Santander.
12. maintenance of the old San Juan De Dios Hospital (public library Julio Pérez Ferrero), in Cúcuta, Norte De Santander.
13. recovery of historic complex of Villa del Rosario, Department of Norte De Santander.
14. encouragement to processes of creation and Cultural and artistic expression of the inhabitants of the Department of Norte de Santander.
Projects that leads up to now the Secretariat's departmental culture, which have been updated and projected to the year 2010 and are registered and enrolled in the project of departmental Investment Bank are:
A) improvement of the joint and the strengthening of the system of culture of North Santander.
Registered and feasible by the departmental programs and projects of investment bank.
Code Seppi 2007-054000-0045.
Projected Total investment: $2.675.498.000
General objective: To strengthen the institutional processes that limit the cultural system of the Norte de Santander Department.
Project general description: Promote the strengthening and joint cultural institutions and officials that compose them, through plans and programmes, improvement inthe local and regional to allow their active and effective participation from the localto the formation of the departmental system of culture of Norte de Santander.
Main components:
• Implementation of plans and support to the institutional development of the cultural sector.
• Articulation, organization and subregional training (processes of formulation, management and monitoring of Government plans and projects. Specialized training forcultural management.
• Implementation of the departmental system of culture - cultural networking strategy (departmental network houses of culture, libraries public, museums and other - days of training and coordination meeting spaces).
• Strengthening institutional Secretary of culture.
Although there is demand for training and cultural policies on the artistic and cultural education, experiences in the region are deficient in terms of quality and coverage. There is a program that allows you to deploy, manage, support and Coordinator spaces permanent training artistic and cultural in the municipalities of the Department, this project is the second phase of the project titled "joint and institutional strengthening for the implementation of the culture system of Norte de Santander registered in the departmental code 2004-054000, project bank which is part of the cultural in the departmental development plan component.
The experience presented by the Governor of Norte de Santander is running since 2004, this project the Secretariat's departmental culture won the NATIONAL AWARDto THE MANAGEMENT CULTURAL 2007 in participation and organization of the culture sector, awarded by the Ministry of culture.
Award juries behind their decision to grant the award in general terms that "it is an integral proposal from his presentation, supports, structure and concepts, evidencea rigor that is essential for the implementation of public policies for the sector and serves as a reference to institutions if"
Such prize jurors based their decision of awarding the prize in general terms that "is an integral proposal from his presentation, supports, structure and concepts, evidence a rigor that is essential for the implementation of public policies for the sector and serves as a reference to similar institutions"
The project is one of the articulators of the action of the Secretary of culture of North of Santander and guides its work to support the dialogue of the cultural identities of its inhabitants, promote creativity and foster the encounter and enjoy demonstrations, cultural goods and services in the communities, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and the law; Recognizing human rights, coexistence, solidarity, multiculturalism, pluralism and tolerance as a fundamental cultural values, database development and culture essential to peace. And it has become an opportunity for the institutional organization of the sector and allowed accompany, advise, articulate and strengthen municipal cultural institutions, officials, artists and cultural managers, in way of building a departmental system of culture of Norte de Santander, in dialogue and respond to the complex and diverse cultural reality.
I was developed with the human resources of the Ministry of culture: two people who develop tasks of direction and coordination, and a team of four people, the specific processes of training administrative and logistical support are contracted or carried out by entities in agreement, others are recruited through service orders.
(B) improvement of the processes of stimuli to expressions cultural and artistic of the Norte de Santander Department.
Registered and feasible by the departmental programs and projects of investment bank.
Code Seppi 2007-054000-0115
Total investment: $
Feasible on 4 June 2007
It is necessary to stimulate the creation and cultural expression and artistic of the Department of North Santander, to preserve our values and our identity of region, and also to strengthen the union of the municipalities that make up the Department.
General objective: To stimulate the processes of creation and cultural and artistic expression of the inhabitants of the Department of Norte de Santander.
The overall objective goals: Opportunities for cultural expression and formation of public consolidated in 40 municipalities of Norte de Santander.
Specific objective: Creation of cultural expression and formation of public spaces.
Description of goals: Participation and representation of national and international cultural events Department.
Cultural encounters in 40 municipalities
(C) maintenance of the processes of the schools of artistic and Cultural education in the Norte de Santander Department.
Registered and feasible by the departmental programs and projects of investment bank.
Code Seppi 2007-054000-0115
Annual investment: $1.503.780.000
Total investment: $6.016.320.000
Registered on August 3, 2007
Feasible on August 13, 2007
In Norte de Santander since 1969 through the then Institute of culture of North of Santander, has developed training activities in the artistic and cultural area of the Department. With the decentralization process developed in the 90's and the liquidation of the Institute in the year 1998, this work of artistic and cultural education stay in responsibility of the municipalities. Since the creation of the Ministry of culture and tourism in 1998, artistic training schools program was created to support the work carried out by the municipalities and Cultural, is through this program are articulated processes of artistic and cultural formation of the municipalities, creating schools and support in the training of their trainers and are favoured places of meeting for them; the places of cultural and artistic expression of the Department are stimulated at the same time. The training schools, currently submitted to the TERMOFLUIDOS, making projection of the same in the international order, and has managed the allocation of resources through the national consultation program.
General objective: promote and encourage access to culture of the inhabitants of the Department through the development of the project of cultural and artistic training schools.
General description of the project: establishment of strategies for the consolidation of the artistic training schools and cultural in the Norte de Santander Department.
Main components:
* Implement, manage, coordinate, accompany and support the schools of artistic and cultural education of the municipalities of the Department.
* Design and implement a curriculum model for schools of artistic and cultural education of the Department.
The school
* Design and implement a curriculum model for schools of artistic and cultural education of the Department.
Schools of artistic and cultural education in Norte de Santander are community Confluence and inter-institutional meeting spaces created from local needs of formation and expression of artistic and cultural; more beyond the training of artists they are intended to contribute to the formation of sensitive human beings who, through the arts, discover new possibilities for their cultural, artistic expression and social gathering.
It aims to contribute to the formation of sentient beings who, through the arts, discover new possibilities for their cultural, artistic expression and social gathering.
The project of training schools is managed from a cooperation agreement with the municipalities of the Department.
Schools have a mission enabling scenarios where through artistic expressions they explore and take on new cultural and social practices for this purpose the project develops in 4 not necessarily sequential moments that relate between if:
• Training of trainers: activity developed through an agreement with the University of Antioquia is a graduate of curricular designs and artistic and cultural projects. Local trainers, during this period are involved in this process emphasis in the Convention is the learning of methodological order for the design of plans of artistic and cultural education in the municipalities according to local realities.
• Training of participants and community: through agreements with municipal authorities, are selected at least two local trainers who develop training activities in framework of some curricular guidelines of the project, carried out its work in areas of:
-Music: Groups of in traditional musics or winds in schools bands
-Performing arts: dance
-Performing arts: Theatre
-Visual Arts
• Meetings to the expression, coexistence, recreation and recognition: involved in this process, House of culture, public libraries, community organizations and participating municipalities associated with the project community. Regional meetings in different areas of work, in particular music and dances are performed. They are selected significant processes at the regional meetings and its encouragement in the participation of national scenarios.
• Areas of monitoring and evaluation of the training processes: are periodically made visits to each of the cities linked to the project, where together with communities, provides an assessment of the commitments made by the municipalities. At least three times a year held general meetings of reporting and evaluation of processes, through presentations and exchange of experiences.
The following achievements have been obtained in development of the processes of formation developed:
Highlights that the project comes forward uninterruptedly since 2002, thereby guaranteeing much of the continuity of the processes of formation in the municipalities associated with the project.
In the framework of the activities raised the following results have been advanced:
• Training of trainers: have participated in training of trainers of the municipalities thus linked processes:
-10 of traditional music
-31 Director of bands
-45 diploma curricular designs and artistic and cultural projects.
• Meetings to the expression, coexistence, recreation and recognition:
-3 meetings of artistic training in music schools
-3 meetings of artistic training in dance schools
-Artistic and cultural shows in municipalities and regional events.
• Areas of monitoring and evaluation of the training processes:
-3 meetings of trainers coordination and follow-up
-45 visits for coordination and follow-up on related municipalities
Periodically for coordination and follow-up meetings were held in each of the municipalities associated with the program.
• Training of participants and community
The experience of North of Santander has been presented as significant in regional and national spaces.
Phase d) update, recovery, identification and promotion of the Cultural heritage of the North of Santander.
Registered and feasible by the Bank's programs and departmental investment project.
Code Seppi 2007-054000-0169
Total investment: $52.594.170.600
General objective: Physical recovery and assets of Cultural interest of national character in the Department and the archaeological paleontological heritage and art Rupestre.
Goals the overall goal: Goods of national character of the Department, identified, recovered, improved and protected, and 100% of municipalities of Norte de Santander archaeological interest, palaeontological and rock art sites.
Target specific: Physical recovery of assets of cultural interest of national character in the Department.
Goals of the objective specific: 100% of the municipalities with inventoried sites.
Five national cultural interest assets recovered physically.
Specific objective: To strengthen the cultural identity of the inhabitants of the Department of Norte de Santander.
Goals of the specific objective: Municipalities of national cultural interest with leading process to strengthen the cultural identity of the North Santander.
• Inventory of archaeological, paleontological, and cave art of Norte de Santander phase III
• Conditioning works, technological equipment and furniture for operation Theater Zulima of Cúcuta.
• Corrective maintenance works buildings old Hospital San Juan de God - complex Cultural library publishes Julio Pérez Ferrero of Cúcuta.
• Implementation, editing and promotion of the begin in Norte de Santander Department
• Integral Restaurauracion of the fifth Teresa in Cúcuta
• Processes in terms of identification, protection, conservation, rehabilitation and dissemination of the Cultural heritage of the Department.