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Noticias Gobierno Digital

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Archive by tag: Villa CaroReturn
El pasado jueves 13 de octubre de 2016 la Secretaria TIC – Área de Gobierno en Línea realizo asistencia técnica y monitoreo GEL en el desarrollo de la Estrategia de Gobierno en Línea en el auditorio Argelino Duran de la Gobernación Norte de Santander a los enlaces GEL de las Alcaldías de La Playa de Belén, Villa caro Y el Instituto Departamental de Salud (IDS) aunque este último actualmente no es evaluado en la Estrategia de Gobierno en Línea ya se están iniciando labores para su impleme...
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Categories: Eventos GEL | Tags: GEL , Secretaria TIC , Gobierno en Linea , Asistencia Tecnica , IDS , La playa de belen , Villa Caro | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1764)

Of what is is this strategy?


overnment on-line is the name given to the strategy of e-Government (e-government) in Colombia, seeking to build a more efficient, more transparent and more participatory through ICT State.

This means that the Government:

Will provide the best services in line to the citizen.

Will achieve the excellence in the management

You empower and generate confidence in citizens

Themes of the strategy

TIC for open Government

TASeeks the construction of a State more transparent, participatory and collaborative, where the citizens participate actively in it takes of decisions thanks to them TIC.

TIC services

TSIt seeks to create the best procedures and services online to respond to the most pressing needs of the citizens with the help of technology.

TIC for management

TGIt seeks to give a strategic use technology to make the administration more effective.

Security and privacy of the information

TPIt seeks to save the data of the citizens as a treasure, guaranteeing the security of the information.


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